I was looking for a quick and easy pattern so I could make a baby quilt for my niece who is expecting her first child the end of July. So, I headed over to Craftsy.com and looked to see what kits they might have and found one called Like A Charm Bear Mountain Expand-A-Quilt Kit.
The quilt is made up of 5″ squares and then pieced together which means it was not very difficult and could be put together quickly since the material arrives in the correct size.
I mainly stitched in the ditch and decided to “tie” the quilt together but instead of the usual tying method which uses knitting thread, I used a stitch on my Janome sewing machine that made two hearts and sewed those randomly throughout the quilt.

With this baby quilt I also decided to use flame retardant batting called Quilters Dream Angel that I purchased through Fabric.com.

I really liked the ease of making this quilt and plan on making another baby quilt for a another niece who is having a baby in November.

I’m on the hunt for a different pattern. This next baby is a girl.