Coffee and Hot chocolate

Can’t speak too much about the best type of coffee there is.

But, at the age of 8 or 9, maybe younger, our breakfast staple was coffee (with milk and sugar of course) and toast. Normally the toast would be buttered or — egads! — my cousins would lather it with mayonnaise.

We would dunk the bread in the coffee. Always — but always — the coffee was Bustelo.

No decaf existed in my day, that I’m aware of.

“American” coffee seems to be so — mild.

My husband likes Starbucks. Bitter and strong.

I have taken quite a liking to hot chocolate. Starbucks cocoa is so bitter it seems. Tully’s is okay but for some reason it tastes watery to me no matter what type of milk they use. Chocolati is good but can tastes too chocolatey — if that’s possible.

But I have found a place called Peets in Seattle. Not too sweet, not too bitter. And it tastes the same no matter what type of milk I use.

There is one other chocolate that my mother sends me. You grate it and put it into warm milk. That with some edam cheese, diced large and then put into the hot chocolate.

Yum! Makes me hungry.

I wonder if there will be chocolate in heaven?

Life as it is on earth.

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