Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls

Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls
Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls

The spring rolls I’ll be presenting can be considered a paleo “cheat”  to some people as they use rice paper.  The inside of the spring roll can have a variety of ingredients added to them so it’s a versatile recipe.

There are a lot of strict paleo-ites who would not eat rice at all as they have no nutritional value.  Instead, the rice adds empty calories to your diet so if you’re trying to lose weight, rice should not be in your diet.

For my ingredients, I used lettuce, carrots, cucumber, scallions and cilantro.  Pretty simple, no?

Ingredients for Fresh Spring Rolls
Ingredients for Fresh Spring Rolls

Our local grocery store had rice paper which surprised me but I was glad I didn’t have to search all over town for it.  They had two different kinds and I purchased the Banh Trang Rice Paper.

Banh Trang Rice Paper
Banh Trang Rice Paper

The springs rolls I have eaten at restaurants have a peanut sauce either inside the roll or else it’s served with an outside peanut dip.  I decided to use cashew butter instead (paleo-ites don’t eat peanuts).  What I did was take a couple of large tablespoons of cashew butter then I added a little bit of water to liquify it so I can pour it on top of the veggies in the spring rolls.

Trader Joe's Cashew Butter
Trader Joe’s Cashew Butter

In order to prepare the rice paper, you need to have a bowl of water that’s either cold or warm that you will put the rice paper in (so it has to have a wide bottom).

Water for Rice Paper
Water for Rice Paper

The rice paper is very thin.  I put it in my cold water for a couple of seconds then took it out and put it on a plate in preparation to fill it with the veggies.

Banh Trang Rice Paper
Banh Trang Rice Paper

The picture below appears that I was a bit chintzy with my vegetables.  I added more after I took the picture though.  (Don’t be so judgmental ~ laughing)

Filling the Rice Paper with Veggies
Filling the Rice Paper with Veggies

After the rice paper is filled with your veggies and sauce, you simply fold it from the bottom to the middle then fold the sides over and finally fold the top over it.  I’m not a pro at it yet but what I did worked for me.

Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls
Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls

I decided to have a light supper and served these with baked chicken wings.  Yum!!!!

Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls with Baked Chicken Wings
Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls with Baked Chicken Wings

Here’s the recipe for you to view and/or print out.  I know you’ll enjoy them.

Paleo Fresh Spring Rolls

For more paleo recipes, click here.

Of Judgment & A Roadrunner

New Mexico Roadrunner
New Mexico Roadrunner

This roadrunner looks large, so how can this man hold it in one hand?

Well, as you probably have guessed, he’s not holding it in his hand but the photo is taken as if he was.

This New Mexico Roadrunner Sculpture is actually 20 feet tall and 40 feet long.  It was built by artist Olin Calk back in 1993.

At first glance you can’t really tell what it’s made of, can you?

So, let’s take a closer look …  But, before I show you a picture that has a little more detail, see if you can take a good guess just by looking at the picture below.

Las Cruces, New Mexico Roadrunner
Las Cruces, New Mexico Roadrunner

Are you guessing?

It’s hard to tell from afar, isn’t it?

Let’s take a look at it’s beak ~  what do you see?

Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico

Here’s a closer look at the tail section ~

Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico

And a few more pictures for you to view this interesting sculpture ~

Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico
Recycled Roadrunner, New Mexico

From ironing boards, shoes, keyboards and crutches, this roadrunner is made up of a lot of what people would consider junk or garbage.

It reminds me of humanity.  Sometimes we look at people from afar, see them at their best and really want to get to know them.  Once we get closer though, we see that they are made up of the same thing everyone else is made up of ~ basic human needs, put together as best as possible (although in some instances not put together very well at all).

The question we have to ask ourselves is: Do we want to get to know them better in spite of their weaknesses and flaws (recycled lives as it were) or would we rather just drive by and hope we find someone who doesn’t have so much stuff crammed into their life.

It’s not really a tough choice if we remember that we have struggles and flaws also.  Our desire, need and hope is that someone “out there” will give us a second look in spite of all we have been recycled out of ~

Humanity is not always at it’s best (especially the closer you get to someone) ~ that’s a given.  I’m not always at mine either.  Seeing past the outer core of people isn’t easy yet sometimes the best reward is when you dig deeper and are able to experience their (and your own) potential.

” … The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7

Purple Sweet Potato Ice Cream

Vegan Coconut Purple Sweet Potato Ice Cream
Vegan Coconut Purple Sweet Potato Ice Cream

This paleo & vegan Purple Sweet Potato Ice Cream recipe was sent to me by a friend who happened to come across it.

I thought “Hmmm … it sounds interesting and I have an ice cream maker.  Why not?”  And so began my interesting journey to make this ice cream.

I thought my first challenge would be finding purple sweet potatoes, but I found them at the local grocery store.  It’s funny I had never seen them before.  Have you seen one?  The ones I found were small so I purchased a few of them not knowing how many I would need for this recipe.

Purple Sweet Potatoes
Purple Sweet Potatoes

I cleaned, peeled and diced them until I had enough for 3/4 cup.

Purple Sweet Potatoes
Purple Sweet Potatoes

I found I had too many so I set the others aside and used them in another recipe.

Next, I boiled the diced potatoes.  (Yes, I know I have too much water in the pot for the amount of potatoes.)

Boil the purple sweet potatoes
Boil the purple sweet potatoes

Once the potatoes were soft, I added them to a blender along with the full fat coconut milk, the maple syrup and the arrowroot powder.  Then I whizzed it all together until it was nice and smooth.

Next I threw (well, not literally) the smoothed ingredients back in the pot and brought it to a boil.  After boiling, I took the saucepan off the stove and whisked it until it was thickened.  I then added the vodka along with the vanilla and blended it all together.

Whisk the ingredients together
Whisk the ingredients together

Ahhh ~ did you see the odd ingredient I added to this?  Vodka.  I do not drink alcoholic beverages and will occasionally use wine in some recipes so this was a stretch for me to use it.  However, the vodka helps to keep the ice cream soft when it freezes.  Unfortunately, when I asked my husband to pick up some vodka on the way home, I forgot to tell him I only needed two tablespoons.  Guess I’ll be making a lot more ice cream.  (smile)

Vodka Bottle
Vodka Bottle

Now the waiting began as this has to chill overnight.  And this is where it became quite interesting for me.

The next day, I took the container with the smoothed ingredients out of the refrigerator.  I already had my ice cream maker ready to go.

I took a spoon and mixed it up a little.


It seemed a little hard to me but I figured it had to be chilled before going into the ice cream maker.  Still, it seemed stiff.


But, I decided to plod along and started adding it to the ice cream maker base before it started to get warm.  Unfortunately, something was not right.  The ice cream maker didn’t seem to be moving exactly as I expected.  So, I stopped it and looked inside.

The ice cream had frozen at the bottom.  My refrigerator apparently made the ingredients too cold for the ice cream maker.  Blah.


Undeterred, I put the ingredients back in the refrigerator and, after cleaning it I put the ice cream base back in the freezer and decided to try again the next day.

Knowing that my refrigerator must be colder than Aimee’s at Wall Flower Kitchen whose recipe this is, I took out the ingredients from the refrigerator and every 15 minutes (for about 45 minutes) stirred the ingredients until they were a little more liquid-y and soft.

Then I got the ice cream maker out again and started it.

This time, success!!!

The ice cream came out smooth and tasted quite good!  Two out of three people in our house really liked it ~ the one person (who shall remain nameless) kept comparing it to “real” ice cream and said it tasted a little grainy.

But this is a great and healthy recipe.  Really!

Coconut Vegan Purple Sweet Potato Ice Cream
Coconut Vegan Purple Sweet Potato Ice Cream

Are you ready to try this recipe?  If so, head over to Wall Flower Kitchen and check out Aimee’s full recipe.

For other paleo recipes, click here.

Paleo Baked Salmon With Tomatoes

Paleo Baked Salmon With Tomatoes
Paleo Baked Salmon With Tomatoes ~

Having a couple of salmon fillets in the fridge, I was looking for a new recipe and came across this one by Giada De Laurentiis.  You know who she is, right?  In case you don’t, she’s a famous Italian born American chef.

I haven’t tried too many of her recipes but decided to try this one.  However, I didn’t bake my salmon in foil as she hers.  Call me a rebel, again.  At my age (no, I’m not 100 yet) I’m entitled to a little freedom. Actually, we’re all entitled to a little freedom but in the case of recipes we need to make sure we give credit to those who have “gone before us.”   So, make sure you click on the link above if you want to know how to bake the salmon in foil.  Capiche?

Overall, I’d call this an easy recipe.

You start with two salmon fillets ~

Two Salmon Fillets
Two Salmon Fillets

Next you’ll be making a mixture with tomatoes (canned or fresh), sliced onions and herbs.

Salmon Topping
Tomato Mixture

Once the mixture is made, you’ll be layering it over the unbaked salmon.

Add Tomato Mixture to Salmon
Add Tomato Mixture to Salmon

Then you’ll be baking it for approximately 20 minutes or until the salmon is clear looking on the inside.

Ready to see the recipe?

Paleo Baked Salmon With Tomatoes

I served this salmon with sliced baked potatoes and steamed broccoli.

For additional paleo recipes, click here.

Sweet Potato & Egg Salad

Sweet Potato & Egg Salad
Sweet Potato & Egg Salad

It feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve posted a new recipe.  Spring and summer arrived and I have two young men working with me on our acre so I’ve been been trying to work alongside them when they’re here.

After dinner, exhaustion sets in.  I’m not a spring chicken anymore and this yard work takes a toll on this body.  Bleh.

Come early July most of the yard work will be completed so I’ll have more time to focus on less physically strenuous things.

However, here’s a new recipe for you.  (clap, clap, clap)

I wanted to call this paleo recipe Sweet Potato Salad.  Then I thought, no, let’s call it Egg Salad.

Considering all my options, I decided to combine the two and let both the potatoes and the eggs get their credit ~ Paleo Sweet Potato & Egg Salad.  Whew!  Such hard decisions we have to make.

Making this was a no-brainer as I needed something to go with my baked chicken wings and potato salads are always good with chicken wings.

I first hard boiled 6 eggs.  Do you have a special set time you use to hard boil  your eggs?  I use 7 minutes exactly.  And that’s from when the water starts to boil.

Hard Boil Eggs
Hard Boil Eggs

Next I had to find some white sweet potatoes and I was fortunate that I had two in the cupboard.  They looked a little … well, I wasn’t sure they were alive.  (haha)  They looked sad but they worked.

White Sweet Potatoes
White Sweet Potatoes

I peeled these potatoes making sure I cut off any parts that looked “too sad” to use.

Peel the potatoes
Peel the potatoes

Then I cut them into small bite-sized pieces.

Cut into bite-sized pieces
Cut into bite-sized pieces

Next I boiled them until they were firm but tender.  Hmmm … are you confused about what that means?  I used to be but not anymore.  Really all you’re looking for is boiling them until they are a tad soft (yet cooked).  You don’t want them to fall apart in your recipe.

I used a pot that was a little too big for the amount of potatoes I had so I made sure I didn’t use too much water ~ just enough to cover the potatoes.

Boil Potatoes
Boil Potatoes

Next I decided to use some carrots in my salad ~ just to be different.  I took a half carrot, peeled it, sliced it thinly then cut it into 1 inch or so pieces.

Peel and Slice Carrots
Peel and Slice Carrots

Then you’re basically putting everything together once you have the prep work done.

One last note though ~ I use a homemade mayonnaise recipe (click here) but I substitute olive oil instead of the canola oil.

Ready to see the recipe?

Sweet Potato & Egg Salad

For additional paleo recipes, click here.

Paleo Chicken Thighs with Roasted Peppers

Chicken Thighs with Roasted Peppers
Paleo Chicken Thighs with Roasted Peppers

Chicken, chicken and more chicken …

I purchase a lot of chicken at Costco ~ maybe I should invest in some chicken stock?  Did you get the joke? Chicken … stock … as in, well, no, if you didn’t get it to start I won’t explain it to you. (laughing)

There are a LOT of chicken recipes out there in google-land. This recipe was quite tasty and did not come out dry in the least bit.  I changed the original recipe up just a tad.

I originally thought this was a quick recipe but honestly it took more time than I imagined.  I had calculated from start to finish it would take 30 minutes but it took about an hour. Still, it was well worth my time.

The two primary steps for this recipe are, 1)  browning the chicken on both sides ~

Brown the chicken on both sides
Brown the chicken on both sides

And 2) Broiling the peppers ~

Broil the peppers
Broil the peppers

I used a red and yellow pepper for this recipe ~ use what tastes better for you.

The rest of the directions are easy and mundane (mundane is good when it comes to saving time).

Ready to see the recipe?

Chicken Thighs with Roasted Peppers

Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

For additional paleo recipes, click here.

Oven Baked Paleo Beef Stew

Baked Paleo Beef Stew
Baked Paleo Beef Stew

It’s dark and dreary outside ~ too dreary for a June day in Minnesota. The feeling of blah-ness sinks in as the house gets darker and darker ~ overwhelmed by the trees that cover it and the rain.  I’ve decided not to live like “this” so I turn on lights throughout the house to help cheer me up.  It does.

And the thought of dinner also cheers me up, for what better meal sits well in the belly on dreary days but Beef Stew ~ paleo and baked.  Slow cooking in the oven leaves me free to do other things.

Do you have a comfort food that brings you a sense of calmness on dreary days?

This meal was quick and tasted great!  I decided to share it with you (lucky you and you’re welcome!).

Baked Paleo Beef Stew


(For additional paleo recipes, click here.)

A Vision


It’s Friday evening.  My body and mind slow down in preparation for Sabbath.  It used to surprise me that this happened ~ the calmness that occurs as Sabbath draws near. I look forward in anticipation to this rest and can’t imagine life any other way.

Settling into bed as the evening draws on, I choose a Christian playlist on my iPod and wirelessly play the songs on the Bose speaker. Ahhh ~ the sounds of nature.  No words only music.

Turning off the light, I kiss my husband goodnight and wait the 5 minutes it takes for him to fall asleep.

Lying back in bed, I close my eyes and start to silently pray. Everything is dark.

Then it happens. As if I’m watching the beginning of a Star Wars movie, I feel myself being propelled through space. Darkness and movement. I’m moving quickly but I don’t feel afraid.

I see light. Suddenly a man sitting on a throne with a crown on His head is directly in front of me. I can’t make out His features.

Silently I tell myself “This can’t be God for no man has seen God and lived.”

Quickly realization strikes: “It’s Jesus!” my mind says.

And just as quickly as it appeared, the vision disappears.

I close my eyes tighter to see if I can make it reappear but it doesn’t. Then I fall asleep.

The next day I remember what I saw, what I felt.

Oh Jesus ~ the things you do to remind me to keep my eyes on You.

The Zuhl Museum in Las Cruces

The Zuhl Museum, Table
The Zuhl Museum, Table

The Zuhl Museum is one museum you should not miss if you’re visiting Las Cruces, New Mexico.  This museum is part art gallery and part natural history.

The TripAdvisor reviews gave it high marks but said it was small so I was afraid that my friends would not be interested but I was wrong.

The picture below is of an amethyst quartz.  Quite impressive, no?

Amethyst Quartz, The Zuhl Museum
Amethyst Quartz, The Zuhl Museum

The rock on the left in this next picture is called Smoky Quartz.

Smoky Quartz, The Zuhl Museum
Smoky Quartz, The Zuhl Museum

The large beautiful log below shows a polished fossil conifer Araucaria that was cut in half.  Pretty colors, no?

Araucaria log, The Zuhl Museum
Araucaria log, The Zuhl Museum

Here’s a picture of Ichthyosaurs ~ a fast swimming reptile.

Ichthyosaurs, The Zuhl Museum
Ichthyosaurs, The Zuhl Museum

Lastly, we have a Crinoid which is an animal that belonged to the Phylum Echinoderms and lived attached to the seafloor.


Okay, I changed my mind ~ I feel compelled to share this next picture with you which is of banded iron formations ~ the colors would go very well on a quilt, no?

Banded Iron Formations, The Zuhl Museum
Banded Iron Formations, The Zuhl Museum

That’s it!  I hope you enjoyed the pictures and, if you’re debating whether to visit the museum, I encourage you to visit as there’s a lot more to see.


Roasted Mushrooms

Roasted Mushrooms
Roasted Mushrooms

Here’s a nice side dish of Roasted Mushrooms that I found over at Closet Cooking.  And, they’re paleo ~ woohoo!

Of course, you have to like mushrooms ~ did I ever tell you that I don’t like mushrooms?  But, husband loves mushrooms so occasionally I buy them and later figure out what to do with them.

This recipe is simple and uses few ingredients but you won’t go wrong with it ~

First there’s the mushrooms ~ whichever kind you like …


You’ll be tossing them in oil, salt & pepper then roasting them in an oven.

While all that is happening you’ll be preparing the butter mixture ~

Prepare Butter Mixture
Prepare Butter Mixture

Then you’ll be tossing the roasted mushrooms in the butter mixture with salt and pepper.

And this is how they’ll come out … (except they won’t taste fuzzy ~ laughing)

Roasted Mushrooms
Roasted Mushrooms

Want to see the whole recipe?  Head on over to Closet Cooking.  He’s got lots of good recipes so check out his website.

(For additional paleo recipes, click here.)