
The three second floor bedrooms are now painted (with the exception of one master bedroom wall that we have the vertical blinds on). Next – the closets. But those will have to wait until I come back from Seattle.

Seattle Waterfront

The rest of the week will be spent unpacking more boxes and getting ready for my trip. I hear Seattle is having a lot of rain – but today sunshine spilled out. It will be so good to see my friends and the Emerald City again.


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White Cranes in Minnesota

While driving around Lake Jane, we spotted this pair of white cranes.

White Crane

One of them decided to fly way up into a tree. They are beautiful graceful birds and I had never seen one before. What a treat on this drive.

White Crane in Tree

Minnesota has a lot of wildlife to offer but you have to look carefully and slow down in life. That’s exactly what I need – to slow down. But not too slow – I don’t want to age quickly.




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Lake Jane Access

The area we live in has access to a lake called Lake Jane. It’s not a very large access area but it is sandy and private.

Lake Jane Access

I’m looking forward to learning how to fish. In checking the Department of Natural Resources site, I found that the following fish are in the lake:

Northern Pike: above average abundance, smaller than average size.
Largemouth Bass: above average abundance, above average size.
Bluegill: above average abundance, average size.
Crappie: below average abundance, small average size.
Bullhead species: average abundance, above average size.
Yellow Perch: Low abundance, small size.

Fishing season started yesterday. All I need is a fishing rod, bait and some kind of a boat.

Lake Jane Access

We’ll see how long it takes me to to get my fishing gear and catch some fish.


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Minnesota Nice Neighbor

After we arrived home from a car ride, we found a plate filled with a sweet bread – a cinnamon swirl-type – that a neighbor had left us. She also left a card welcoming us to the neighborhood.

It’s a little ironic because earlier today I was talking about how we hadn’t received any welcomes from our neighbors. I thought perhaps I would extend myself and take some homemade cookies to them. Then, this surprise. We ate this delicious bread with our dinner this evening.

I’ll have to go thank them personally sometime this week.


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Sparrow or Finch

This little bird sat on my deck for about an hour perfectly still except when it moved it’s head to look at me.

Sparrow or Finch?

I thought it was injured and worried that one of the local hawks might fly by and pick it up.

But, it eventually flew away into a tree. I wonder if the previous owners of the house fed it. Checking my Audubon Field Guide, I checked to see if I could determine what type of bird it was and unfortunately I could only narrow it down to two species – sparrow or finch.

[amazon_link id=”0679428526″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds--E: Eastern Region - Revised Edition[/amazon_link]


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Painting the Bedrooms

Most of this week has been spent prepping the bedrooms on the second floor to paint them. The master bedroom is large but the 2 other bedrooms are smaller than what we’re used to although they are “big enough.”

The master bedroom is a dark red so we have to prime it first before painting it the color we want.

Red Bedroom Wall

Because our furniture arrived about a week earlier than expected, I’ve had to work around beds and boxes to prime. I started off not taping the ceiling thinking that I could carefully paint around the edges without getting any primer on the ceiling. That didn’t last very long. Normally I get a “blue” painters tape to tape off the border and window areas but we decided to try a generic brand of Frog Tape. It didn’t work too well though as the tape stuck a little too well and I had trouble getting it off after the painting was completed.

The primer I used is called Fast Prime 2 by Zinsser. I bought it at a local store called Menards (similar to a Home Depot). It worked pretty well and had very low odor.

Zinsser Fast Prime 2

Once the master bedroom was primed, I took out a new brush I bought for painting the corners with the paint I bought. I used a 1 1/2 inch brush for the corners prior to painting the whole room. The paint brush worked amazingly well. The brand is Painter’s Collection and when I finished with it the brush cleaned seamlessly.

Painter's Collection Paint Brush

Then it was time to paint the whole room. I selected a color called Thunder Bay by the Water’s Edge Home Collection.  It looks like a light teal with a tad (very tad) bit of gray. I say a tad because it does not look like it’s white-based. Very pretty.

Thunder Bay Color Paint

It looks very light but when it dries it looks a little it darker — much different than the red that was on the wall.

Unfortunately, once I painted the walls, the ceiling now looks dreary. It looked very nice and white until I tried to wipe off some dust in a few areas. Because it’s a “knock-down” ceiling, it doesn’t clean very well. All it did was make a darker blotch.

So – sometime in the future, I will have to paint the ceiling.

[amazon_link id=”B000BZZ5HW” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Zinsser Primer[/amazon_link]



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Our Neighbors

We haven’t met our neighbors yet since moving into the new house. The door bell rang the other day and I was so excited that I dropped what I was doing and ran to the door to see who was there. Alas, it was just my husband testing the door bell. Grrrrr …

We see people walking in the neighborhood all the time especially with their dogs. Uphill, one neighbor was using a wood chipper (a machine that cuts wood into very small pieces). We might have to get to know that neighbor really well as we have lots of branches and a couple of felled trees in our background.

Overall, the neighborhood is fairly quiet especially since the neighbors aren’t right next door.

At night, everything is dark, quiet and peaceful.


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New House Trials

With the arrival of our furniture and all of our possessions from Seattle, we are getting to the point of feeling overwhelmed with everything there is to do. Part of the problem is me. I’ve started projects that probably could have waited but in anticipation of getting them out of the way, I decided to slowly begin.

Most of the boxes are opened but with things still in them. I’ve decided to paint the 3 bedrooms on the second floor. The master bedroom is barn red and the other two smaller bedrooms are a grayish blue. I have yet to select the master bedroom color but one of the guest rooms will be yellow. I’ve decided to put chair rails in both of those guest rooms also which should spiff them up a bit.

The master bedroom has been partly primed – mainly the ceiling edges. On Tuesday, I hope to complete the priming with Wednesday being the day that the room gets the new color. Unfortunately, one wall has to remain barn red since we have to decide on draperies or blinds before we take down what is currently there — vertical blinds. They are pretty dirty and can’t be cleaned.

A strange problem we’ve noticed is that the laundry room smells like a laundromat. Every time I wash clothes (which has been a lot since all of our packed clothes smell musty) this smell permeates the laundry room. At first I thought maybe the septic was having problems with the detergent I use but my husband said he didn’t think so. He’s cleaned up an area behind the washer where the hose goes down towards the septic. We hope it works.

Last evening I wish I had had a “night” camera. I couldn’t sleep and got up around 1:30 in the morning and made my way slowly in the dark to the family room. Looking through the window, I saw hundreds of stars in the clear sky. It was so beautiful and within the hour I was asleep.

Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I use an application on my cell phone to read different Bible devotions. Last night took me to one in Psalm 127, verse 2 which was very appropriate. It says:

In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat
for He grants sleep to those He loves.

I couldn’t turn my brain off from everything that I had to do. I had risen early and here I was staying up late. Then I said to Father “you’re supposed to grant sleep to me because you love me, according to the verse I just read.”

His response was “If you wouldn’t drink coffee at 7:30 pm you wouldn’t be awake now.”

Okay, okay — He’s right. I know not to have coffee at night and it’s rare when I do. I can’t remember why we had dinner so late either.

Tonight I’ll sleep like a log — I wonder where that phrase came from as logs don’t sleep.


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The Sandbox

When we first came to look at the Lake Elmo property that we just moved into, there was a huge trampoline in the backyard. Now that the previous owners took that with them, we have a sand box. It’s a huge sand box.

I can remember when I was younger going to the playground and playing around the sand box. I never played in one though. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to experience one.

I’ll have to get some sandbox toys for, of course, the grandkids.



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