Septic Systems

Before we purchased our house, we requested that a septic and well test be done. The septic test failed. Apparently the septic is too close to the ground water level. The seller believes it’s because Minnesota had so much snow this winter.

Since we can’t be sure, we requested that design and bid work be done to install a new septic system as required by the city before we purchased the house. This was done and the seller gave us the money to have it done once we bought the house.

I’ve been learning a lot about septic systems. The septic system has a holding tank. The solid waste falls to the bottom of the tank and the liquids float. Apparently bacteria breaks things down. The liquid part of the waste goes out to the drain field via pipes that have small holes in them and is dispersed.

That’s it in a nutshell. I had concerns about our property smelling like, well, urine. But that’s not the case. Whewww!!

Last week, we had the work done. A huge bulldozer was brought to our property and dug up a huge hole for a 1000 gallon septic tank.



They put the septic tank inside the hole very carefully.

1000 Gallon Septic Tank

The septic tank has a separate pump also. That’s how it gets the waste from one place to another. Once the septic tank is in place, they cap it. Two to three years later (depending on how big the family is) you need to have someone come and pump it out.

Our new drainfield was uphill just a little. The bulldozer dug out and prepared for the new drain field. Only one tree had to be moved. There were some bushes that were taken out but the property actually looks nicer without them.

New drainfield for our septic system

Next they made a trench, laid down pipes that have small holes in them and then added gravel to the drainfield. It looked quite elaborate.

Pipes in drainfieldAll was covered with dirt. Now we have 2 septics, a pump and a fancy alarm in case anything should go wrong.


Two septics and a pump


Pump Alarm

What more could a new homeowner ask for?


[amazon_link id=”0830621369″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Wells and Septic Systems 2/E[/amazon_link]

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Our yard looks so wild right now. Shrubs, trees, and flowers have not been trimmed in awhile. And I don’t know if we’ll have any time this year to do any landscaping.

While in Seattle recently, I did see a garden that is landscaped in a way that I like. It’s simple and peaceful. Makes me think of what heaven will be like.


Hopefully I’ll be able to get enough resources through the internet, books, and magazines to make my garden a tranquil place for me and others to enjoy.


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Wild River State Park

We received a lovely gift in the mail – a one year pass to the Minnesota State Parks with a weather-channel radio that you crank (in case of Minnesota inclement weather). We’re not sure who sent us the gift as it came with no card although the gifter must be an MPR listener.

Minnesota State Parks Pass

Today we decided to use our pass and go to the Wild River State Park in Wild River, Minnesota. The drive was beautiful as we passed many lakes and the Minnesota trees that are in full bloom. We headed straight to the Visitor Center to see what trails they had that weren’t too long or strenuous. The first sign we saw was a warning sign.

Poison Ivy Sign

This is not the best greeting but it’s a good thing they had the warning as I haven’t been reading my camp books to know to look out for poison ivy. After picking up a pamphlet with a list of the trails, we decided to take the Amiks Pond Bluebird Trail as it seemed pretty easy(we didn’t see any bluebirds though).

Amiks Pond Bluebird Trail Sign

The trail started very easy and soon led us to a bench where we could rest if we wanted to.

Amiks Pond Trail

Eventually the trail turned grassy and beyond the bend we could see part of the St Croix River.

Then — the St Croix River opened up in all its splendor. The river was flowing more quickly than I thought it would.


St Croix River looking North
St Croix River looking South

The St Croix is a beautiful river. The trees on the other side are in the state of Wisconsin. After passing the river, we came to a road where one can rent canoes. This area had more warning signs of bears in the area and infested waters with exotic species. Okay so — maybe I don’t want to canoe in this river.


Exotic Species Alert Sign
Bear Sign

After passing this area, the pamphlet we had told us to go to an area so we could see the makings of a beaver dam so we headed that way. Most of the dam was covered though and all we could see were branches. The picture below shows the entrance to the dam (on the left).


Entrance to Beaver Dam (on left)

Unfortunately, this was the demise of our interesting walk. As we headed back to the original trail, we spotted ticks on us. We quickly got them off but then something bit me on my shoulder. I quickly slapped and killed it but could not tell what it was. It left a huge bite on my left shoulder. I don’t know if it was a tick or a different type of bug. Ouch!

After this walk, I came away with my first two Minnesota mosquito bites and an unknown bug bite.

When we originally left the visitor center, I finally admitted out loud what I’ve known for years — I am not a hardcore nature fan. Actually I’m not a medium or softcore fan either. I’m a nature lover that prefers to see it all from afar. (Well, in heaven I’m sure we won’t have all the bugs trying to bite us.)

For now, I’m itchy and don’t want to see any more ticks or hear any more mosquito songs in my ear or feel them on my body.




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Hot Weather/Cool House

Today’s temperature reached a balmy 91 degrees. I’ve noticed that the higher the temperature, the lower the humidity. I don’t know if that’s an accurate statement for every day, but today it was true.

Running around today in the car, I had to run the air conditioner. When I arrived home around 4:30 pm, the house was nice and cool. We had no windows open and with the trees overshadowing our house, we were quite surprised that we did not need our air conditioner.

However, we do have to test the air conditioner before the weather gets too wild to make sure it works. Buying a new house means you have to test everything before you need it.


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Formally A Minnesotan

Today I went to the Department of Licensing in downtown St Paul, Minnesota and took the written test so I could get my Minnesota drivers license.

Minnesota Driver & Vehicle Services

I studied a long time online before taking the test. I did not read the manual which, according to a sign I saw in their office today, is no longer available in booklet form. I assumed (incorrectly) that the questions online would be the exact same ones, with some variations, of the ones on the written test.

Although some of the questions were similar, they were asked differently. The questions I did not study for online I guessed at, used logic for the others or had knowledge based on all my years of driving.

The attendant who took care of me after the test was very friendly. I think it’s because I was beaming that I passed. I normally don’t do well on tests even if I have the knowledge in my head. A mental block forms and I fail.

But not this time! I felt sorry for the young man sitting two seats away from me who looked like he was having a hard time understanding what they were asking.

Minnesota license plates? Check! Minnesota driver’s license? Check!



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Green Bug

Eeekkkk!! What is it?

Green Bug

Today I was looking out my window at our deck and all the windblown debris from the 45 mph winds we were having and I spotted this green bug. It was scuttling back and forth at breakneck speed. Back and forth – back and forth. I have never seen a bug this green in all my life.

I haven’t been able to find it on the internet. Anyone know what it is?



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Lake Elmo Neighborhood Pictures

I went to sleep last night with the frogs croaking either in the nearby pond or in the lake. It’s a soothing croak.

This morning I look out the window to see a hawk soaring in the sky. Beautiful. I’m pretty sure there are a pair of them. I saw one as it was perched on a tree but it was too far away for me to take a picture.

Then it happened. After all the rain we’ve been having I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Baby mosquitoes perched on my window screens. Small enough to get through. My sliding door slams shut! I have yet to get screen mosquito repellant. Later in the day, we opened the front door to go outside for a little while – there it is. My first indoor mosquito. I quickly get the newspaper and swat! it’s dead.

Today the welcoming committee for our neighborhood rang our doorbell. We were handed a folder with information on the neighborhood and are invited to attend the house socials that they have monthly. But where’s the pie? Just kidding. We feel blessed to belong to a neighborhood that has a welcoming committee. At first though I thought it was the Jehovah Witnesses who had found us.

My husband and I decided to go for our first neighborhood walk. It’s nice outside although a little humid. As we start walking on the road, we notice that our house can barely be seen now because of the trees that have blossomed.

Lake Elmo House

Walking down the road, we feel like we are out in the country. It’s so quiet that we can hear the birds chirping and the wind rustling in the air.

As we pass each house tucked away in the trees, we see unique mailboxes.

Our neighbors, and the previous owner of our house, have planted lots of hostas. I was told by one person that the local deer like hostas but I think they must not like this kind — or the person was wrong.


One property had lots of ground cover –  yellow flowers whose name I don’t know.

Ground Cover

Lots of trees. I feel like I’m out in the woods camping.



The back of our house can barely be seen from the road.

As we end our walk, two hawks soar overhead. Welcome home!


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Sunset in Lake Elmo

Today was a rather unusual day. I have not gotten used to the humidity yet so I am running around in a down jacket while everyone else is wearing t-shirts, shorts and sandals. Hmmm … it is rather warm with this jacket on — yet, the temperature gauge tells me that it should feel a tad chilly. Off with the jacket!

Late afternoon we had a small shower. Big drops of rain fell on the car making splotchy noises. At first one would think that a bird had passed by and … no, it’s definitely splotches of rain.

The local weatherman predicts rain tonight with both rain and thunderstorms tomorrow. Well, the rain did come tonight – then a pretty clearing. The eastern night sky was illuminated by the sun going down in the west.

Eastern Sky at Night in Lake Elmo

After the rainfall, it was pretty to see the wee bit of blue in the sky. The trees on our property have filled in very nicely and we have a forest as our backyard now. So nice. It’s like living on a campground.


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Gorman’s Restaurant in Lake Elmo

Since moving to Lake Elmo, we haven’t found many restaurants locally although the surrounding area makes up for it. We did go to Gorman’s for dinner once.

The restaurant has been around since 1985.

I had the barbecue chicken breast sandwich and my husband had the mushroom and cheese omelette. It was okay. Nothing extraordinary but simple. We also had a milkshake which was really thick and good.

The service was good and although the food was “okay” we’d probably go back.


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