Paleo Baked Salmon With Tomatoes ~
Having a couple of salmon fillets in the fridge, I was looking for a new recipe and came across this one by Giada De Laurentiis.  You know who she is, right?  In case you don’t, she’s a famous Italian born American chef.
I haven’t tried too many of her recipes but decided to try this one.  However, I didn’t bake my salmon in foil as she hers.  Call me a rebel, again.  At my age (no, I’m not 100 yet) I’m entitled to a little freedom. Actually, we’re all entitled to a little freedom but in the case of recipes we need to make sure we give credit to those who have “gone before us.”  So, make sure you click on the link above if you want to know how to bake the salmon in foil.  Capiche?
Overall, I’d call this an easy recipe.
You start with two salmon fillets ~
Two Salmon Fillets
Next you’ll be making a mixture with tomatoes (canned or fresh), sliced onions and herbs.
Tomato Mixture
Once the mixture is made, you’ll be layering it over the unbaked salmon.
Add Tomato Mixture to Salmon
Then you’ll be baking it for approximately 20 minutes or until the salmon is clear looking on the inside.
Ready to see the recipe?
Paleo Baked Salmon With Tomatoes
I served this salmon with sliced baked potatoes and steamed broccoli.
It feels like it’s been a long time since I’ve posted a new recipe. Spring and summer arrived and I have two young men working with me on our acre so I’ve been been trying to work alongside them when they’re here.
After dinner, exhaustion sets in. I’m not a spring chicken anymore and this yard work takes a toll on this body. Bleh.
Come early July most of the yard work will be completed so I’ll have more time to focus on less physically strenuous things.
However, here’s a new recipe for you. (clap, clap, clap)
I wanted to call this paleo recipe Sweet Potato Salad. Â Then I thought, no, let’s call it Egg Salad.
Considering all my options, I decided to combine the two and let both the potatoes and the eggs get their credit ~ Paleo Sweet Potato & Egg Salad. Â Whew! Â Such hard decisions we have to make.
Making this was a no-brainer as I needed something to go with my baked chicken wings and potato salads are always good with chicken wings.
I first hard boiled 6 eggs.  Do you have a special set time you use to hard boil  your eggs?  I use 7 minutes exactly.  And that’s from when the water starts to boil.
Hard Boil Eggs
Next I had to find some white sweet potatoes and I was fortunate that I had two in the cupboard. Â They looked a little … well, I wasn’t sure they were alive. Â (haha) Â They looked sad but they worked.
White Sweet Potatoes
I peeled these potatoes making sure I cut off any parts that looked “too sad” to use.
Peel the potatoes
Then I cut them into small bite-sized pieces.
Cut into bite-sized pieces
Next I boiled them until they were firm but tender. Â Hmmm … are you confused about what that means? Â I used to be but not anymore. Â Really all you’re looking for is boiling them until they are a tad soft (yet cooked). Â You don’t want them to fall apart in your recipe.
I used a pot that was a little too big for the amount of potatoes I had so I made sure I didn’t use too much water ~ just enough to cover the potatoes.
Boil Potatoes
Next I decided to use some carrots in my salad ~ just to be different. Â I took a half carrot, peeled it, sliced it thinly then cut it into 1 inch or so pieces.
Peel and Slice Carrots
Then you’re basically putting everything together once you have the prep work done.
One last note though ~ I use a homemade mayonnaise recipe (click here) but I substitute olive oil instead of the canola oil.
I purchase a lot of chicken at Costco ~ maybe I should invest in some chicken stock?  Did you get the joke? Chicken … stock … as in, well, no, if you didn’t get it to start I won’t explain it to you. (laughing)
There are a LOT of chicken recipes out there in google-land. This recipe was quite tasty and did not come out dry in the least bit. Â I changed the original recipe up just a tad.
I originally thought this was a quick recipe but honestly it took more time than I imagined. Â I had calculated from start to finish it would take 30 minutes but it took about an hour. Still, it was well worth my time.
The two primary steps for this recipe are, 1) Â browning the chicken on both sides ~
Brown the chicken on both sides
And 2) Broiling the peppers ~
Broil the peppers
I used a red and yellow pepper for this recipe ~ use what tastes better for you.
The rest of the directions are easy and mundane (mundane is good when it comes to saving time).
It’s dark and dreary outside ~ too dreary for a June day in Minnesota. The feeling of blah-ness sinks in as the house gets darker and darker ~ overwhelmed by the trees that cover it and the rain. Â I’ve decided not to live like “this” so I turn on lights throughout the house to help cheer me up. Â It does.
And the thought of dinner also cheers me up, for what better meal sits well in the belly on dreary days but Beef Stew ~ paleo and baked. Â Slow cooking in the oven leaves me free to do other things.
Do you have a comfort food that brings you a sense of calmness on dreary days?
This meal was quick and tasted great! Â I decided to share it with you (lucky you and you’re welcome!).
Here’s a nice side dish of Roasted Mushrooms that I found over at Closet Cooking. Â And, they’re paleo ~ woohoo!
Of course, you have to like mushrooms ~ did I ever tell you that I don’t like mushrooms? Â But, husband loves mushrooms so occasionally I buy them and later figure out what to do with them.
This recipe is simple and uses few ingredients but you won’t go wrong with it ~
First there’s the mushrooms ~ whichever kind you like …
You’ll be tossing them in oil, salt & pepper then roasting them in an oven.
While all that is happening you’ll be preparing the butter mixture ~
Prepare Butter Mixture
Then you’ll be tossing the roasted mushrooms in the butter mixture with salt and pepper.
And this is how they’ll come out … (except they won’t taste fuzzy ~ laughing)
Roasted Mushrooms
Want to see the whole recipe? Â Head on over to Closet Cooking. Â He’s got lots of good recipes so check out his website.
Paleo Baked Cod and Scallions with Spiced Potatoes
This paleo Baked Cod and Scallions with Spiced Potatoes recipe came out really really good. I was a little surprised because cod usually tastes so bland to me and needs lots of help. But don’t we all? (laughing)
It’s a fairly easy recipe though ~ my favorite kind ~ and the only change I made from the original recipe was to use sweet potatoes instead of red potatoes.
I purchased the cod at Trader Joe’s and used all the pieces that came prepackaged.
The first thing you’ll need to do is prepare the cod by cleaning it under cold water and drying it using paper towels. Next I sprayed the casserole dish that I was going to put the cod in with Olive Oil Spray to coat the bottom of my pan so the cod will not stick.
Clean and dry the cod
Next I added the scallions ~ trimmed yet whole ~ then drizzled a little bit of olive oil, salt and pepper on top of it all.
Add scallions to the cod
I sliced the unpeeled sweet potatoes into 1/4 inch pieces.
Slice sweet potatoes
Then I sliced them in half.
Slice sweet potatoes into quarters
The sweet potatoes will be put in a casserole dish, tossed with 1 tablespoon of olive, the chili powder, salt, and pepper. Then they will be baked in a 425° degree oven for approximately 20 minutes until they are golden brown and tender.
Prepare sweet potatoes then bake
While the potatoes are baking, prepare the lemon by using a peeler and peeling strips from it. Then slice the peel pieces thinly and sprinkle it over the cod before it’s baked. Â Reserve the lemon to use once everything is cooked.
Grate chunks of lemon then slice thinly
At the 10 minute mark of the potatoes being in the oven, you’ll be putting the cod in and cooking it until it’s opaque approximately 15 minutes (but follow the package directions if you have any).
And here’s the recipe ~
Paleo Baked Cod and Scallions with Spiced Potatoes
For Christmas last year, we received a very large gift certificate for the Spoon and Stable Restaurant in Minneapolis.
We decided to go for brunch one very cold winter Sunday. Reservations HAVE to be made online and they are normally booked a couple of months out. Â Brunch was amazing! Â Everything was fresh and they try to accommodate any special requests such as a side scrambled egg that I wanted.
Since brunch was so wonderful and didn’t use anywhere near the amount of the gift certificate, we reserved a couple of spots for dinner.
The inside of Spoon and Stable is very open and has high ceilings which can make for a noisy dinner. Â Fortunately, our reservation was for when the restaurant opened, so they sat us in a nice quiet corner near the cooking station where we could see the chefs at work.
I didn’t get pictures of everything we ate but here are three.
Belgian Endive Salad, Spoon and Stable
The Wild Mushroom Soup below was superb, and I don’t like mushrooms (my friend ordered this).
Wild Mushroom Soup, Spoon and Stable
Everything was simply superb! Â From the service to the food ~
Sweet Potato Agnolotti, Spoon and Stable
Dinner is a LOT more expensive than brunch. Â The $150 gift certificate we received would have paid for dinner and a tip but since we used part of it for brunch we wound up having to pay a little out of pocket (mainly the tip).
This is definitely a place we would like to return to ~ IF we can get a reservation. Â Hmmm … maybe I’ll reserve now for my birthday this summer.
Although I had different pieces of chicken in my freezer, I decided to purchase a whole chicken for recipe ~ Paleo Braised Chicken with Potatoes and Tarragon ~ so I didn’t have to thaw a little bit of this and a little bit of that.
I found this recipe on the TV show called The Chew and adapted it just a tad. Â I don’t watch the show very often but every now and then as I’m surfing through channels with the TV remote, I land upon this station.
The chicken pieces will be browned in a cast iron skillet (if you have one).
Brown Chicken Pieces
Once that step is completed, you be taking the chicken of the skillet and setting it aside. Â Then you’ll be adding the rest of the ingredients to the skillet.
Add Remaining Ingredients
The original recipe has you trying to squeeze the chicken pieces back in the skillet. Â Trust me, it won’t work (unless you have a huge cast iron skillet). I used a separate casserole dish to toss everything together and bake it in. It’s one more dish but it’s worth it.
Once the ingredients are all combined you’ll be baking this for approximately 40 minutes. Â The recipe is below and I truly hope you enjoy it.
Put All Ingredients In A Large Casserole Dish to Bake
One of my favorite meats ~ lamb ~ is the main ingredient for this recipe besides the cauliflower.
Most people aren’t fans of cauliflower but I say the vegetable has just gotten some bad press. Â It’s really a good vegetable when combined with the right foods.
Lamb and cauliflower ~ like birds of a feather who flock together ~ go really well together.
Because this dish is baked, the cauliflower comes out nice and soft.
The other surprise in this recipe is the mustard. Have you ever had mustard with lamb? I never had but this mixture is not too strong and tastes quite good.
Lamb with Mustard
I will grant you the dish looks a little odd paired together but, hey, there’s a lot of other pairings out there that look odd but taste great.
Lamb with Cauliflower
So, go ahead and give this paleo Baked Lamb Chops with Cauliflower a shot. Â I really don’t believe you’ll regret it.
A few years back, I decided to go on a carrot “binge” and ate gobs and gobs of carrots. Then an interesting thing happened …
My skin started turning orange~ish. Â It’s true. Â I didn’t believe all the stories out there about this happening to people until it happened to me.
Okay … that’s my side story and I’m going to stick to it. Â (laughing)
We always have carrots in our refrigerator as it’s one of the vegetables my husband takes with him for lunch.
So I thought I’d sneak a few to use with this chicken recipe ~ no fear of turning orange here (haha).
The recipe is quite simple and the major players are … carrots ~
Sliced Carrots
Skin on ~ bone in chicken  that is combined with the carrots and a rosemary mixture …
Skin On ~ Bone In Chicken
This will be put in a cast iron skillet and baked for 30 minutes then broiled for another 5-10 minutes (be careful you don’t burn it).
It will come out looking beautifully like this ~
Paleo Braised Chicken with Rosemary & Carrots
Pretty good looking, no? I served this paleo Braised Chicken with Rosemary and Carrots with a side salad. Â It’s really a complete meal all by itself though.
Paleo Braised Chicken with Rosemary & Carrots
Okay so ~ here’s the recipe for you to look at and print if you so choose.