The Girl and the Rabbit

I had lived in my neighborhood for awhile when new people moved in next door.

A little girl, shy and mostly withdrawn, would come out to play sometimes with her funny looking rabbit.

Every day, I would watch them play from a distance.

I felt myself drawn towards them and one day I introduced myself.  The rabbit stood behind the little girl as I said my pleasantries.    The little girl explained that she had had the rabbit since he was just a baby.

As I watched them play, the little girl didn’t seem to know or care that the rabbit was following her.  Every time she picked the rabbit up to cuddle him, he would smile a big smile and let out a loud giggle.

As time went on, I tried to get close to the rabbit when the little girl wasn’t paying attention to him.  At first, he was reluctant to have anything to do with me.  After awhile, he got used to my voice and I got used to the funny sounds he made as he hopped through the grass.

Hop, hop the rabbit went — through the bushes and trees inspecting each one as if he had never seen one before.

But the rabbit never lost sight of the little girl while exploring.

His curiosity made mine even stronger as I always wondered what he would be exploring next.

Soon the rabbit and I were spending time together in the garden.  He would smell the flowers and then I would smell the flowers.  It was different exploring things with the rabbit than when I  explored them by myself.

Hop, hop the rabbit went.

Now he was checking to see if I was keeping up with him.  I was.

Such enjoyment he showed in such simple things.

The only thing lacking was the little girls’ attention.  She would hardly ever pick him up and cuddle him and he so wanted that to be so.

One could see the pleading in his eyes.  But the little girl did not notice.  Or, if she did, she just didn’t feel like doing anything about it.

One day, the little girl said that they were moving.  I felt sad and wondered what playmate I might now have if the rabbit went away.  I had none at home until the rabbit came along.

The days dragged on with me not knowing when the rabbit would move away.

During this time, the little girl started spending more time with the rabbit.  She seemed to want him close by now.  He seemed happier and his hops were bigger and his giggles louder.

I see less of the rabbit now but remember everything I learned of flowers and trees and bushes.

The day finally came when the rabbit and the little girl were to move away.  She held the rabbit in her arms as they waved goodbye.  I felt sad and happy at the same time.

Now the rabbit had what he had been looking for — the love of the little girl.

I later learned that the rabbit lived to a ripe old age.

The End.

Can’t remember when I wrote this story but it was quite awhile back as the paper is worn and it was in a Spanish Bible I had on my bookshelf that I haven’t looked at in years.

Hope you enjoy it.


Shredding.  How do we accumulate so much paper?

I bought a new shredder that works okay except it overheats.  Hmmm … maybe I needed a heavy duty one.

Problem is — once the majority of the shredding is done you don’t need a large one.

Can’t say I’m almost done.  I have 5 boxes to go through to prepare for a someday move.

The compost will love it.

Life as it is.


Grocery shopping – we go every week.

Today I pulled into a lane — no waiting.  Yippee!  I hit the jackpot.

Only the people who pulled in behind us said “Isn’t this an express lane?”

Oops.  We started putting our groceries back in the cart when the cashier said “it’s okay.”

Undeserving as we were to be in this lane — the cashier showed us mercy.

I’m thankful for the little things in life.

Life as it is.


How am I supposed to act?

Is there some rule that says that once you enter your 50’s you should act a certain way?

Can I still dance in the rain with no shoes on?

Can I hang out with whoever I want — even if they have a “bad” reputation?

Can I wear mini skirts or tops that show cleavage?

Can I jump into a lake with all my clothes on because it’s hot outside?

Can I turn the radio on full blast and dance to salsa music?

Will people view me as insane because I act youthful when I’m old, uh, older?

Do I really care?

Bananas and People

People are like bananas.  You need to peel them back one layer at a time in order to see who they really are.

Many times I have heard the phrase “I never thought they would … “

And yet, “they” did.

It doesn’t always have to be negative.  It could be positive like “I never thought they’d go to college at their age” or “I never thought they’d lose the weight” or …

Unfortunately, as life would have it, it’s mostly negative.

As humans our needs are basic:  love, friendship, time, touch

When we are missing one of these we tend to fall into “I never thought I’d … “

Life as it is.


Caught up in every living, we sometimes forget that there are people who are hurting.

My sister goes in for bypass surgery today on her leg.  I didn’t even know one could have a bypass on their leg.

Her surgery will take 6 hours and if it doesn’t work, they will have to amputate her leg.

Pretty serious stuff.  But she’s been in pain for so many months …

Seattle Weather

Very warm day in Seattle.  The temperature climbed to 96 yesterday.  Waiting to see what it does today.  They predict in the 90’s again with a “cooling” trend tomorrow in the high 80’s.

It can get uncomfortable because we’re not used to it but its very unlike the Midwest where the humidity soaks your clothes in sweat.

I hear that bodies adapt to where you live.  Huh … we’ll see.