
I live in Minnesota – a recent transplantee from Seattle. Simplicity is something that I believe we need more of in this fast-paced world.  I like to write about the things that go on in my life and like to hear about what goes on in other people’s lives.

I’m a Christian and find a parallel in almost everything I see so I usually end up writing about that also.

And, lastly, I like to cook although I consider myself a “basic” cook having started “late in life.”

I hope you enjoy my blog and encourage you to comment anonymously or otherwise.

Feel free to email me directly if you have any questions or comments you don’t want to post on the blog — simplynorma7@gmail.com.

May the peace of Christ dwell in your heart in your journey on this earth.

7 thoughts on “About”

  1. I like the new banner photo at the top of your blog. Is that large building behind the trees someone’s home?

    1. Yes Kathy. That is someone’s home across a pond. This picture was taken while I was going for a walk.

  2. I have visited your site a few times when i was searching for a quilt pattern. I have the fabric for the Winter Blues Quilt by Maria Pate but somehow, I must have failed to download the pattern. I can’t find it through Craftsy anymore. Do you happen to still have the pattern? If so, is there anyway you can share it with me?Thanks, I appreciate your time. Be safe, be well.

  3. I, also, bought the Winter Blues kit through Craftsy. I did not buy the pattern. I thought it was in the kit. Could you please share it with those of us that made this mistake?

    1. Hi. Unfortunately, the pattern was copyrighted so what I did before was send the pattern I had to someone who was looking for it since I wasn’t planning on making it again. Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful.

  4. Hi, I am also looking for the Winter Blues pattern. Winter Blues is for my grandson. It is number 11 of 11 quilts for all my grandchildren. I would purchase it, if not too pricey.
    Thanks, Gail

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