Do Angels Wear Suits

I do not relish taking to the “skies’ in a plane and have visions of scenarios that shall remain unspoken.

Arriving at O’Hare airport for our recent flight to Boston for a cruise, was no exception. 

Our travel agent had reserved the Exit row seats for us for the extra legroom.  As I walked down the aisle to get to our seat, I was wondering who the window passenger might be because I was sitting in the middle row.

Upon arrival, I glanced at the gentleman sitting at the window seat. Wearing a black suit, white starched shirt, black shoes and a black tie I was, well, curious.   After securing my seatbelt and making sure both Phil and I were settled, I looked at the man whose face was blank and said “Are you a preacher?”  The words came out before I could stop them.  The man looked at me puzzled as if he didn’t hear and Phil repeated the question “She was wondering if you’re a preacher.” 

No, said the young man.  He had the whitest teeth. 

Not wanting to bother him again, I remained quiet for the rest of the trip.

After we landed, I stood up, grabbed my carry on, turned and said “I hope you have a nice day” which favored me with a smile.

Well, that was interesting …

Fast forward to our trip home.  This time we were on the other side of the plane in an exit row and again I was to sit in the middle seat.

Upon arrival, the window passenger was already there.  There in front of me was seated a man with a blue suit, white starched shirt, spiffed up shoes, a tie and a gray hat with a feather in it.

Alright I mumbled to myself.  No questions.  But I had to wonder if God had placed a well-dressed angel in the same row as us ~ again.

The steward came by and this gentleman requested his free drink ~ actually, two small bottles of liquor.  He said he had “status” which means he was a frequent flyer.  The steward complimented him on his hat so I wasn’t the only one who noticed it.

Hmmm … do angels drink?  Ahh, I thought ~ perhaps they too can turn liquor into water, eh?

After we deplaned, the tall man in the blue suit starting walking past me with large strides yet I wanted to take his picture ~ kind’ve like pinching yourself to know it’s real.  I know, I know ~ it is a little odd.   And so, leaving Phil behind (he doesn’t usually keep up with my crazy ideas), I quickly walked behind the man with the gray feathered hat to see if I could take a picture of him.

Do angels wear suits? I’ll have to wait til heaven to find out.  Angels or not, God provided this anxious child of His with a distraction.

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”  Hebrews 13:2

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