Of Geese and Hope

As the geese wait for the ice to melt, so the world waits for the COVID virus to “melt” away. Yet ~ how much work is still be necessary.

Geese On Icy Lake

Grief ~ sometimes unrecognized ~ has set in to so many people’s hearts.Grief of time lost with loved ones, lack of human touch, physical and emotional death. Even spiritual death in some cases as questions of “where was/is God in all of this?” have arisen.I have seen people who I thought were level headed turn into angry and sometimes act, do I dare say it, nuts? Lack of reasoning sometimes looks like reasoning in our turbulent world.

I look forward to a time where we can empathize and sympathize in more tangible ways for, let’s face it, we have not walked in each other’s shoes. It is only as we “rub” shoulders with people that we can have any understanding of why they think/act as they do.

As society “opens up” this will hopefully be less difficult for us to do. Let’s choose to allow ourselves to become vulnerable ~ to see people and love them as Jesus did and perhaps, yes, perhaps there is hope for us.Let us be what has been called “balcony” people. Cheering and affirming each other on instead of “basement” people, drawing people downwards with criticism and judgments. I’m excited to see how people have changed in this pandemic and am ready to do my part in helping us all move forward in hope, compassion and love.

How about you?

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