As I was reading the Sunday paper awhile ago, I saw an article about a barn quilt trail. Hmmm …. I said to myself. Â What is a barn quilt trail?
As I continued reading the article I learned that it’s like a “tour” of barn quilt, and I was inspired to head on out to see it. Turning to my husband I said: “Let’s go for a drive today.” Poor thing.  He didn’t know what he agreed to ~ at least not initially.
My expectation of what a barn quilt trail was is quite different from what it actually is.  First, not all of the barn quilts are on barns. Actually, none of the ones I saw were on barns. Second, although I expected to see real fabric hanging from a “barn” (why would I think that?), the quilts are mainly painted on the side of buildings.
Off we went to the Chisago, Minnesota area.
Below are some of the ones I took pictures of ~
See the first one in the top right corner?

The colors are so vibrant on this one, eh?

Some of the barn quilts were smaller than I expected.

This next one seems kind’ve bland to me ~

I really like the pattern on this one. I wonder what the story behind it is …

This next barn quilt pattern reminds me of many I see on “regular” quilts. This one was located at the Chisago Lakes Area Library.

Do you like this blue and yellow pattern?

The simple pattern and vibrant colors on this barn quilt make it stand out against the beige building.

The one below is one of my absolute favorites.

It was a pretty unique way to spend part of an afternoon.