Mushroom Stroganoff with Spinach and Peas


Mushroom Stroganoff with Spinach and Peas

Today I decided to make a recipe from the Sun Basket website.

Have you heard of Sun Basket?  They are a company, similar to Blue Apron or Hello Fresh, where you can order meals by having the ingredients of that meal delivered to your home.  Then you can make it when you’re ready.  They send along a recipe book for all of the meals for that particular week.

I usually only order 2 different meals when I need a break from trying to think of what to make and want to try something new ~ which is not too often.

Like Hello Fresh, I’ve received food that is not good to use, mainly vegetables that have gone bad.  Sun Basket is good at giving me credit but the fact is, you don’t have the complete meal that you anticipated you would and you wind up having to substitute.

This Mushroom Stroganoff with Spinach and Peas recipe is not one that I ordered but it was in the recipe book and sounded interesting so I decided to try it.

I am not a mushroom eater ~ and I would never eat them raw.  But I’ve tried the cremini mushrooms in this recipe and they actually taste pretty good so ~ why not try a new recipe?

Surprisingly this meal came out quite good.  I say surprisingly because the cream is made with almond milk which is a little bit of a twist, wouldn’t you say?

Mushroom Stroganoff with Spinach and Peas

Although the recipe does not call for parmesan cheese, I shaved a little on top.

Here’s the link where you can find this recipe.  It’s pretty easy and makes for a filling meal.


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