A statement I read this morning while doing my devotionals had me pause and absorb its meaning:
“God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.” Charles Stanley
It is easy to fall into the trap of trying to understand what God says and/or what He wants us to do in our lives. Yet, He who made us knows what the best is for us.
We can try to “reason” with Him, as if we know what’s best. Yet, in all the times I have “reasoned” with God for Him to let me do it my way, I have come out the loser. Yes, He respects our choices but I can visualize Him shaking His head as we plod along in our decision. There are no “I told you so’s” that come out of His mouth when we finally realize that the course we chose was not the best. He waits until we come to our senses and helps us get to where we should be.
For His way is always the best even if sometimes it is the most painful for us to go through.
Trusting Him who created me, knows every cell in my body and wants the best for me is not always easy but I’m trying to live every day doing just that.