Baked Tilapia with Roasted Vegetables

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Baked Tilapia with Roasted Vegetables

I purchase frozen tilapia filets at Costco to have them ready for a quick dinner.

The tilapias usually take 8 hours to thaw in the refrigerator although I’ve found that I can take them out frozen and thaw them in cold water.  I simply fill a large bowl with cold water and place the tilapias in them, wait 15 minutes, empty out the cold water and replace with new water and start the process over again until they are thawed.  This takes maybe 45 minutes to an hour but in a pinch it works better than having to wait 8 hours (unless you’re super organized and remember to take them out in the morning).

This recipe is fairly quick if just a bit messy but it’s a recipe that’s worth making.

Baked Tilapia with Roasted Vegetables

I’ve heard it said that tilapia has less Omega 3 levels than salmon but hey, that’s okay.  It’s not like one eats it every day, right?

So ~ without further ado, here’s the recipe for you try.  Enjoy!

Did you know? Tilapia is the fourth most consumed fish in the United States dating back to 2002.

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