Mahi Mahi with Mango Salsa

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It may sound unusual to some people, but I had never tasted Mahi Mahi until recently.  And you know what?  I really like it!  I even like it better than salmon, halibut or cod.  It doesn’t seem to get dry as easily as salmon does.

When I first saw it, it looked a little odd to me ~ beefy. I had never seen a beefy looking fish.  hehe

Uncooked Mahi Mahi
Uncooked Mahi Mahi

I didn’t want to put too much seasoning on it, so I just sprinkled salt, pepper and a little paprika on top.

Uncooked Mahi Mahi
Uncooked Mahi Mahi

I decided to try it with a Mango Salsa.  It tasted great!  Simply easy ….


Mango Salsa
Mango Salsa

The Mahi Mahi doesn’t take long to bake ~ approximately 10-15 minutes.

Mahi Mahi with Mango Salsa
Mahi Mahi with Mango Salsa

I served this recipe with a carrot/parsnip side dish.

Truly delicious!  Ready to see the recipe?

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