Da Bears!

Bear In Tree, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear In Tree, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

Bears, bears and lots of bears.

We visited the Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary on a trip we took to the Voyageurs National Park which is nearby.

The non profit sanctuary, located in Orr, Minnesota, was started by a man named Vince Shute who decided to stop shooting the bears that were coming on his property in search of food and instead make them a safe sanctuary where they could eat.  Trying to peacefully co-exist.

When we arrived, we were directed where to park and then we headed to the admission ticket booth where we paid $8 per adult. From there we stood in a line and waited for a shuttle bus to take us “up” to the sanctuary which is on a 1 mile gravel road.  Our driver warned us that bears roam freely here so we could see them at any time.

Once we arrived, we disembarked the shuttle bus and went through a caged type entrance to get to the viewing deck.  The viewing deck is long and heads in different directions so you can see bears on all sides.

Looking down from the deck, I noticed there were employees walking among the bears and putting food down for them.  They seemed unafraid and later I was told that there is a compound that they wear that the bears do not like to smell.

Although we were told that the food they give the bears is to supplement their diet, some of the bears looked overweight.  (Is that possible?)  I didn’t understand why bears would have to have a supplemental diet myself but … it is what is it.

Here are a few bear pictures.

The bear below was just lounging around.  You can see some of the food they give them underneath him.  Looks like he might be protecting it.

Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

This fella looks like he was enjoying the smell of something in the air.

Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

Although this bear was able to climb to the top of this tree stump, it appeared as if he was afraid to come down once the other bears came nearby.

Bears, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bears, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

This little guy was fast asleep.  Occasionally he would change positions.  How is it they don’t fall off?

Bear Cub in Tree, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear Cub in Tree, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

Playing peek-a-boo with the cameras …

Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

Doing the cha-cha-cha …

Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

Mama bear with cubs … (one is hidden).

Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Mama Bear & Cub, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

It’s hard to know how many bears come here but there were quite a few ~ as in more than 40.

Bears, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bears, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

Well, have a beary nice day.  hahahaha

Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary
Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary

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