Beauty in the Midwest

Midwest Road
Midwest Road

A recent trip through northwest Illinois then into Wisconsin gave us ample opportunity to see much beauty in the Midwest.  Driving along the backroads there is very little traffic but lots of corn and soy farms along with houses that have attached large barns ~ most of them painted red.

I’ve always wanted to knock on these doors and ask the people who live there why they choose to live there.  To live remotely, away from what one might consideration civilization with its cell phones, cable, Starbucks around the corner …  Sometimes I think they have a better quality of life than most of us.

One day I hope round up enough guts and nerve to knock on a door.

Illinois Country House
Illinois Country House
Illinois Corn Farm
Illinois Corn Farm

One scene that majestically appeared over and over again is of puffy clouds hanging beautifully in the sky with odd shapes that made me wrack my brain to determine what they might resemble.  A dog? An angel? A person?

Illinois Cloud
Illinois Cloud

Further north towards Wisconsin, we stopped at the Mississippi Palisades State Park in Savannah, Illinois and snapped some photos.  There were two other couples taking pictures who were also camping here ~ otherwise all seemed quiet.  I wondered why more people weren’t out enjoying this area.

A quick jaunt down the path led us to views of the Mississippi.  So peaceful here ~

Mississippi Palisades State Park, Savannah, IL
Mississippi Palisades State Park, Savannah, IL
Mississippi Palisades State Park
Mississippi Palisades State Park
Mississippi Palisades State Park, Savannah, IL
Mississippi Palisades State Park, Savannah, IL

It was indeed, the start of a beautiful day.

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