As we pulled up to my brother’s driveway, I saw a crow sitting on the lawn. It was odd in that it was standing so still in all it’s glorious blackness.
I’m not a crow fan ~ never have been and never will be. Â The sound of them cawing in the mornings makes me say “ugh” as I turn over to the other side and cover my ears.
I’ve heard that crows are intelligent birds and people have told me many crow stories that attest to their intelligence. Â Can you believe it?
Getting out of the car, I walked up to this crow only to realize that it was made of plastic. Â I laughed out loud at the “mistaken identity” ~ thinking the crow was real when it was fake. Â It does look real though, doesn’t it?

Before leaving my brother’s house, I asked him if I could have the crow and he said yes. Â I had a brilliant idea that I couldn’t shake.
And so it was when I arrived home that I put the crow in my front yard. Â The bright idea I had? Â I assumed that the other crows would not come near our house because a new “family” of crows had arrived. Â Such a brilliant idea, no?
I hadn’t noticed anything different for a few days until one day, after heading out for a bit with the hubby, we pulled into the driveway and there were four crows “hanging around” with the plastic one. Â As soon as we pulled in closer, they flew away. Â No! Â I told myself. Â Crows are supposed to be intelligent and not come around other crow families …
A few days passed by and I again left the house and upon arrival, there they were again. Â It appeared that these crows were trying to figure out who the new crow in town was.
My plan had backfired ~ instead of scaring the crows away with a new “crow,” I had managed to call them in to make friends with a fake one.
Who knew?