Puerto Rican Remedies

Whenever I visit my mother (who is of Puerto Rican descent), I’m always glad when I arrive healthy. The alternative, being sick, brings out all kinds of Puerto Rican remedies that I’d rather not deal with.

But, she’s my mother, so I indulge her.

The last time I visited when I was sick, she brought out “something that will help your pain.”

“What is it?” I asked.

She, matter-of-factly said, “It’s something your uncle brought me from Indiana.  Don’t worry, it will help any aches and pains you have.”

“Uh, yeah, but what is it?” I asked more determinedly.

“Don’t worry about it.  Your aunts use it and it helps them.”

Okaaayyyyy.  And so she found an empty jar and put some of the blue lotion in the jar and handed it to me.

Blue Pain Lotion
Blue Pain Lotion

Interesting looking thing, isn’t it?

Here’s what it looks like with the lid off ~

Blue Pain Lotion
Blue Pain Lotion

While I was at her place, I went to the bathroom and curiosity got the better of me.  I found the container that this blue pain lotion came in and read the ingredients (sorry, I didn’t have my phone to take a picture for you).

Reading through the ingredients slowly, I saw “it.” This lotion is to help horses with their arthritic knees.  Yikes!

As I was leaving, she said “did you remember to take your lotion?”

Uh, yes Mama, I have the lotion.

Such is one of the quirky things I learned to grow up with.

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