Master Bathroom Remodel Day 9

Today was an exciting day!!!  Our contractor had taken a couple of days “off” from working at our house so he could build our maple vanity and today was the day he would install it along with the onyx counter top and faucets.  Woohoo!!!

Custom Maple Vanity
Custom Maple Vanity

Are you wondering why there is a tarp over the walls, tile and vanity?

Well, the last time the contractor was here he sanded and re-textured the knockdown ceiling so that it could all match since we removed the soffit. Unfortunately, it was the ABSOLUTE UGLIEST texture I had ever seen.  I thought that once the texture dried perhaps (one could only wish) it would look nicer, but that was not to be.

Re-texturing a knockdown ceiling
Re-texturing a knockdown ceiling
Re-texturing a knockdown ceiling
Re-texturing a knockdown ceiling

So, because our contractor is “almost” a perfectionist, when he saw it he came downstairs and said “Norma, I’m not happy with the ceiling texture and we’re going to re-do it.”  I breathed a sigh of relief when he told me that.

Fortunately when he re-did the ceiling it came out perfect.

By now we’re at the end of week three including days off for medical, drying time, vanity building, etc.  There are paint touch-ups, mirrors and sconce decisions to be made but mostly the bathroom is finished.

My next post will show the completed project with before and after pictures.  The bathroom looks totally different ~ light an airy now.!


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