The Master Bathroom Remodel – Day 5

When I peeked into the bathroom this morning, the liquid cement that was poured last night has finally dried.

Prepration of Nuheat Heating Cable System
Preparation of Nuheat Heating Cable System
Prepration of Nuheat Heating Cable System
Preparation of Nuheat Heating Cable System
Prepration of Nuheat Heating Cable System
Preparation of Nuheat Heating Cable System

When the contractor arrived he took me upstairs to the bathroom and said “Now you have to make a decision on where you want your shower niche to go.” My two choices were in the middle of the shower wall or offset to the right which would put it between two studs.

Shower Niche
Shower Niche
Shower Niche
Shower Niche

Which do you think I chose?

If you said offset to the right then you are right!!!

Today was also prep day for the walls with new sheet rock being installed and the bathroom walls being skim coated for painting.  The previous owner of our house put some kind of a texture on the wall which looked and felt quite ugly.

Notice that the shower plumbing is already installed also.

Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall

We made a very good decision to remove the soffit over the now-removed corner jetted tub.  This looks so much better ~ as if this is the way it should have always been.

Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall

The closet door was removed as we’re having a new maple bi-fold door to match the vanity.

Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall

We’re prepared to install three sconces although, spoiler alert, we eventually took two of them out and only stayed with the middle one as otherwise the mirrors would not fit squarely over the lavatories.

Prepping a master bathroom wall
Prepping a master bathroom wall

Now all this has to dry.  Seems like we spend a lot of time waiting for things to dry.

And the weekend arrived … it was a very pretty autumn in Minnesota.

Minnesota Autumn
Minnesota Autumn
Minnesota Autumn
Minnesota Autumn


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