Master Bath Remodel, Day 2

The first day of the bathroom remodel went seamlessly.  One whole day to gut a large bathroom.  Quite amazing.

By the end of day two we had the rough-in for the tub installed along with the onyx shower pan.

Tub Rough-In
Tub Rough-In

The pipes for the shower have also been set in place although not completely hooked up.

New Shower Pipes
New Shower Pipes

Today we went and looked at mosaic tiles and finally decided on the one below that we found at Home Depot.  It’s called Emperador Bamboo Blend and costs $14.97 for a sheet that’s 12×12.  It goes pretty well with the shower wall tile that we’ve picked.

The tile on the left is the floor tile and the one above the mosaic is for the shower wall.

Emperador Bamboo Blend Mosaic Tile
Emperador Bamboo Blend Mosaic Tile


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