The Como Park Zoo

On a very warm day in St. Paul, we headed to the Como Park Zoo. I was glad that it is a small zoo so we were able to stroll through and take our time.

The animals seemed lethargic ~ perhaps the weather affects them more than I thought.  Or maybe they simply weren’t happy.

They didn’t seem to move very much ~ even the sea lion just lay there.

Sea Lion, Como Park Zoo
Sea Lion, Como Park Zoo

The gorilla seemed pensive ~ what do gorillas think about, I wonder?

Gorilla, Como Park Zoo
Gorilla, Como Park Zoo

I was able to get pretty close to the zebra. It is quite a fascinating animal with all the stripes and it’s large muscles.  Did you know that the strip pattern on every zebra is unique? Check it out sometime.

Zebra, Como Park Zoo
Zebra, Como Park Zoo
Zebra, Como Park Zoo
Zebra, Como Park Zoo
Zebra, Como Park Zoo
Zebra, Como Park Zoo

The giraffe was the most active out of all the animals.

Giraffe, Como Park Zoo
Giraffe, Como Park Zoo

Did you know that a male lion’s roar can be heard up to 5 miles away?

Lion, Como Park Zoo
Lion, Como Park Zoo

This tiger just lay on its back ~ too hot to move?

Tiger, Como Park Zoo
Tiger, Como Park Zoo

Most of the other animals were “hiding.”

The zoo has a few places to pick up some goodies and drinks.

Hopefully the next time we go the animals will be a little more active (chipper).

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