A Busy Yet Lazy Summer

It’s been a little over 4 weeks since I’ve posted anything new.

Summer has been both “slow” and also gone by quickly.  I spent a couple of weeks preparing for guests and another two weeks with guests in the house. During that time I did minimal yard work, cooking and little of anything else except being a hostess.

Not sure what I’ll be doing about yard work as the weather here has been hot and humid.  It didn’t help that I got bitten by three ticks.  Ughh.  We got them off almost right away but I still have the fear of getting Lyme disease which the black legged ticks can transmit.

Unfortunately? the three ticks I had were really small ~ nymphs they are called ~ so I couldn’t see their legs.  I’m considering going to the doctor to get tested for Lyme disease as a “just in case.”  It can be treated with antibiotics but only if it’s caught early.

I don’t really have any symptoms although lately I’ve had a sinus headache, backache and have felt tired.  I can also attribute that to the weather though.

Right now it feels like we are living in a dense forest.  With all the rain we’ve had in Minnesota, we are no longer in a drought and all of the saplings have become young adults (hahaha ~ that’s my attempt at a joke).

Seriously though, we probably have 15 saplings that need to come down and 5 really large trees that also must come down. It has to happen because I can’t live in darkness.  All this shade makes me somber and lethargic.

Fortunately, for my birthday this summer my husband asked me what I wanted and I told him I wanted a bunch of trees felled and, guess what?  He agreed!  Yippity do da!

The areas on our property that I cleared last year of buckthorn and of the garlic mustard plant look pretty good this year. Well, at least the buckthorn didn’t grow back but the garlic mustard continues to prosper much to my dismay. I have used 2 large containers of Roundup this year to kill this weed but unfortunately I may wind up purchasing another container before summer is over.

So ~ since summer has been kind’ve lazy, I haven’t been trying new recipes. That should change here come September.

I have a backlog of things to share that have been happening so ~ stay tuned.

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