Allergy Time

Leaving the house yesterday in the early morning to work in the yard, my mind and heart were set on how much work I could get done. It was an absolutely beautiful morning.

A lite jacket was needed just to take away the initial morning chill but it didn’t take long before it was tossed aside.

Have you ever had so much enthusiasm for a project only to have it dulled by circumstances beyond your control?  That was yesterday.

As much as I don’t like to use Roundup, the noxious garlic mustard plant was everywhere to be seen and, outside of my gaining Superman strength, there is no way to manually remove each and every plant ~ especially when the neighbors don’t kill theirs.

With a large container of Roundup in hand, I sprayed the plants ~ one by one, two by two, three by three …. arghhhhh! Looking ahead, I saw a whole field of them in the back of the property.

But that was the least of my problems. Suddenly “it” hit me. My nose started running ~ where was it going?  hahahahahaha ~ and with eyes itching, I headed indoors. It was quite overwhelming and put an end to any enthusiasm I had.

The past few mornings I had taken an allergy pill but they weren’t working. The pollen ruled the day and I made sure every window in the house was closed so I could at least be able to breathe indoors.

After a quick shower I sat down and pondered the ridiculousness of the situation for here I was inside with windows closed to avoid pollen. No fresh air could enter because of it’s mingling with pollen that causes toxicity to the body.

Last year I lamented the 6 month winter yet I had no problems with pollen then.

This year I was thankful for an early spring yet I lament the allergy season.

Can’t win …

A recent article I read discusses the link between dry eyes and pollen.

Ahhh ~ spring.

Minnesota Spring
Minnesota Spring

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