Quilted Table Runner

In my quest to become a better quilter, I ordered two (of the same) table runner kits as I really liked the pattern.

The kits came with all the necessary fabric but did not include the batting (the middle of the quilt) which worked out fine since I had leftover batting from a previous project.

I noticed immediately that I would have a lot of fabric left over so I will actually be able to make three table runners.  Woohoo!

The first table runner came out pretty good although I’m finding that my lines don’t run completely straight when I’m quilting.  That may be due to the fact that I am still a little off balance due to a severe bout with vertigo that I suffered back in 1997.  Residual effects …

In one of the quilting classes I took on Craftsy.com, the instructor suggested using blue painters tape to make sure the lines are straight. You simply sew next to the line. In the future, I’ll have to remember to do that.

This is how it started …

The Start of a Quilted Table Runner
The Start of a Quilted Table Runner

The end result is very pretty.

Quilted Table Runner
Quilted Table Runner
Quilted Table Runner
Quilted Table Runner

The table runner measures 15×28 and I used linear quilting.

I like the modern look.  Do you?

On to my next project ~

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