The Waze App

When we moved to Minnesota, my husband and I didn’t realize how much traveling we would be doing visiting relatives in North Dakota and Illinois.  Whew! We’re surviving but those 4-7 hour mostly weekend trips definitely take a toll.

Not too long ago, my husband told me about an app that he uses called Waze.  It sounded interesting, so I started using it also (when I’m the passenger and he’s the driver).

The app is useful for letting you know when there are traffic hazards, accidents, traffic jams and, dare I say it?, police officers. You know, those speed traps that are out there?

Other “Wazers” post when they come across something that should set off an alert for other drivers. It’s really quite helpful as many times I’ve been alerted that there was a car stopped on the side of the road so I’ve had ample time to pull over.

I consider myself to be a safe driver and don’t go more than 5 (perhaps 6) miles over the speed limit. And, I have passed many a police car going at that speed and have never been stopped. But, occasionally, very occasionally, my speed will be quite pokey considering everyone else who is driving around me. In those times, I’ll move along with traffic. But, if Waze alerts me that there is a police officer ahead, I’ll bring myself down to my “normal” speed.

Quite frankly, it’s hit and miss as to which one of us who are “flowing” with traffic will get pulled over. Will it be the one in front, the middle or the one in the back? Better safe than sorry, no?

This is a snapshot of what I see on my cell phone. The blue arrow was my location on the highway.

The Waze App
The Waze App

Normally the alerts are well in advance of when you get there, say 1-2 miles, but it really depends on when the Wazer in front of you added the alert.

In addition, the app can point you to where the cheapest gas is in the area. Pretty cool, eh?

There have been articles written regarding the police complaining that Waze stalks them but the app doesn’t post pictures or names of officers ~ it only shows where users have posted that the police have been.  Sometimes I get to that spot and there is nothing there and I report that on Waze.

I find it a very useful app. Thoughts from those of you who have used it?

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