A Blogging Hiatus

Wow~ It’s been over a month since I’ve posted anything. Between Thanksgiving travel, getting sick, the Christmas holidays and trying to finish a quilt, I’ve been quite busy and have kept my cooking to a “simple and easy” minimum using tried and true recipes.

My decision to tackle/make a queen sized quilt at home and give it as a Christmas gift has been somewhat problematic as I’d never done it before and encountered obstacles that tried my patience. But, patient I am ~ even if I have to remove every single stitch and start over again which happened a couple of time.  Egads!

To add some excitement to one day, I walked into the garage from the house (it’s connected via a door) to take the trash out and saw a mouse scuttle across the floor. Eeeekkkkk!!!  I’m not sure who else heard my shriek although the mouse was as scared as I was and wasn’t sure where to turn as every time he turned I shrieked again.

A few days later, I found a dead mouse (a different one ~ much smaller) next to a cabinet in the garage.  Oh the joys of living in the woods ….

Well, January will roll around soon enough though ~ can you believe it? Then, hopefully, things will be back to “normal.”

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