Marquette, Michigan

On our travels through Michigan and Wisconsin, we stopped at a small town called Marquette, Michigan, population approximately 21,000.

Since we were just “driving through” I didn’t think we would see anything noteworthy but I was wrong. I’m always interested in learning more about Midwest living.  So, guess what I found?

Do you know what this is?

Fish Cleaning Station
Fish Cleaning Station

Yes, it’s a fish cleaning station. I had never seen one before so this was a first for me. I like “firsts” as it means I’m still learning.

This station came with very explicit directions ~ good to know the head of the fish must go in first.  (laughing)

Directions on a fish cleaning station
Directions on a fish cleaning station

Hmmm … this doesn’t sound like it’s much fun though ~ clean up all blood? Well, I eat fish but I’ve never cleaned one or seen one cleaned before.

Directions on a fish cleaning station
Directions on a fish cleaning station

Does one use a special knife to cut the fish into pieces?

Directions on a fish cleaning station
Directions on a fish cleaning station

I’ll have to make a mental note to find a fish cleaning station while it’s in use ~ now those would be some nice pictures.

Here’s a view of the area right behind the cleaning station.

Lower Harbor, Marquette, Michigan
Lower Harbor, Marquette, Michigan

The picture below is of a Marine TraveLift for boats and is used to lift the boats out of the water so they can be worked on or cleaned.

Marine Travel Lift
Marine Travel Lift

After we left the Lower Harbor, we drove around town and I spotted an old church and had to take a few pictures.  The colors on this rotunda are beautiful.

St Peters Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan
St Peters Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan

Look at the detail …

St Peter's Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan
St Peter’s Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan

Old churches are so beautiful.

St Peters Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan
St Peters Cathedral, Marquette, Michigan

Small towns have a lot of history in them, don’t they?

To read more information on St Peter’s Cathedral, click here.

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