The Hawk

The other day while at our Home Owner’s Association meeting, I met a neighbor I hadn’t met before.  She used to be a Supreme Court Justice in the state of Minnesota and was so friendly and down to earth. She invited me and my husband to visit her and grab some plants from her yard that were growing prolifically.

So one evening we headed over to her house and met her husband and chatted for a nice long while. She mentioned that the hawk that lived on our property last year was now living right off of her property and had two hawk-ettes.  (That’s a new word I made up — laughing.)

While looking out my living room window, I noticed something fly by out of the corner of my eye. Sure enough, it was a hawk — one of the young ones.

Here’s a picture that I took through our living room window. It looks like he posed special for me.


And here’s the hawk looking the other way.


Nature’s creatures are so beautiful, aren’t they?

Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom and spread its wings toward the south?” God asks Job as he is going through a time of trouble — making sure that Job does not forget who is in charge of creation. Job 39:26

There has never been a doubt in my mind who is in control or who the Creator of this world is. Nature’s creatures are one reminder of the Creator’s power — what a wonderful God I serve.

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