Of Arctic Expresses, Polar Vortexes and Dog Sledding

Call it what  you may — Arctic Express or Polar Vortex — waking up to -18° (and that’s not the windchill) is no fun, even if I am in a cozy bed and the heat is on. The thought made me not want to get up at all.

But — life has to go on.

This afternoon I went out to get the mail and bring in the garbage cans. Then, I told myself that I should do something outdoorsy. So — I went to the woodpile and hauled some wood into the garage. “That wasn’t so bad,” I thought to myself. So, I went back out again. After all, it had “warmed” up to -5° (I say that tongue-in-check). And then (yes, I believe I am seriously going nuts or becoming a “true” Minnesotan) I went back out a third time to haul wood.

Now we have a nice dry stack of wood in the garage for the next round of cold vortexes that will come next week.

Yesterday I decided that we should really do something in this cold weather. Hmmm … what would be good to do? I finally had a grand idea and later in the evening when my husband had settled in and had eaten dinner, I lay my grand idea right out there for him to consider. I was so proud I had thought of something we could do outdoors.  (We’re not outdoor people, by the way.)

Me: So, I thought perhaps we could do something this weekend or next and enjoy some of the sun outside even though it’s cold.

Him: Oh. Like what?

Me: I thought we could go dog sledding. (I say this matter-of-factly because quite honestly, I never in my life would have thought I’d be dog sledding. I mean, really?)

Him: No, I don’t think so. (He chuckles a little and shakes his head incredulously.)

Now, you have to know my husband to be able to read what his answer really means. If he starts the sentence with “no” then it’s no. But, if he starts the sentence with “I don’t think so” then that means there’s a possibility.

I knew my idea might not make it out of the starting gate even though I thought it would be something quite interesting, albeit cold, to do.

Even though he said “no,” I looked up the places of where we might go had we gone. Unfortunately they are way up in northern Minnesota where it is a lot colder than the Minneapolis/St Paul area.  Brrrrrrr ….

Oh well … I think I’ll just watch someone else dog sled — it sure looks pretty.

[embedplusvideo height=”500″ width=”584″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1ffMZIF” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/8MfkTvbIlB4?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=8MfkTvbIlB4&width=584&height=500&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2026″ /]

Hmmm … I wonder if he’ll change his mind.

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