The Blahs

I couldn’t understand why this past December was difficult for me. I thought perhaps it was because of the Minnesota weather — a lot of negative numbers. This coming Monday, if predictions hold true, our “high” temperature could be -14 which would make it a tie with the coldest it’s ever been on that day.

I’m sure the weather has been playing a role in how I’ve been feeling, but while speaking with a friend today, he reminded me that since the end of November I have been traveling most weekends and that the beginning of December both my husband and I were sick for almost two weeks.

Then Christmas arrived. I was not quite “feeling” it this year and the beautiful Christmas tree we managed to pick up was ornamentally deficient. I hadn’t noticed until I took a picture of said tree and sent it to friends and one response came back “Do you need ornaments?”

Not much blogging in December as I had no energy for new recipes or much or anything else. Lately I’ve been getting up later than normal and still needing a quick nap in the afternoon — something I did much of when I was sick.

I also found my brain saying “I can do that tomorrow” more often than not. But, tomorrow came and “it” never got done.

Once I realized this mindset that had become habit, I was able to quickly turn it around today. I accomplished so much even though I still crawled out of bed a tad late.

It’s a new month though and, although I’ll be traveling for a week, I hope to get back to my normal postings later this month. Right now, I’m playing catch-up with the end of year projects, i.e. filing old paperwork and making room for 2014, putting away the Christmas tree and all that goes along with that.

I have a list of new recipes ready to try out along with learning how to quilt and making a computer landscape design for the backyard (I received software for this from a friend). I should be quite busy — guess I’ll have to hire someone to paint a couple of rooms for me.

After all, I’m not a spring chicken anymore. Or a winter chicken for that matter. (laughing)


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