The Persimmon

A friend of ours recently invited us to lunch and while I was in the kitchen helping him make a salad, I noticed a piece of fruit sitting in a bowl. I inquired about it and he told me it was called a persimmon and that it tasted wonderful.

Now — I am normally leery of trying new foods. I’m not sure why as over the years I have learned to eat so many different and great-tasting foods. But — I asked him if I could take one home with me to try it and he said yes. (What friend wouldn’t say yes?)

And that is how my love relationship with a persimmon got started. Have you had the opportunity to try one?


What I like about it is that the taste is quite flavorful (when it’s ripe — I hear it’s bitter when it’s not ripe). The texture is not overly juicy like an orange so you don’t have to worry about wearing a bib.  hahahahaha

And — you can eat the peel!!! But — you must remove the stem at the top — I think your mouth might complain if you happen to chew on the stem.  Blech!

Here is what the inside looks like (for those of you who still have some naiveness in you, like me):

Persimmon Insides
Persimmon Insides

This one was not totally ripe but was edible. Soft but not quite soft enough. Still — it was good. When it’s not totally ripe, you don’t get as much juiciness.

So — what are the benefits of eating this fruit?  Well …. since you asked ….

It’s been said that they contain “anti-oxidant compounds like vitamin-A, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. Together, these compounds function as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease processes.”

They are also a good source of Vitamin C, potassium and also have B-complex vitamins like folic acid, and thiamin.

Here are a couple more links (just in case you need convincing to try one for its health benefits):

Harvest of the Month

Vegetarians in Paradise

Try one — I believe you’ll like it.

Note: There have been people who have had an allergy to persimmons. I’ve read that this is rare but thought you should know — it’s possible.






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