The End of October

October just ended and with it a slew of yard work. Although, we’re supposed to have a fairly nice Sunday so I’ll probably use that day as my last “leaf” clean-up day of the year. The trees have not yet completed their cycle of changing colors and dropping to the ground. A meteorologist explained the reason — 2 years of drought which has confused the trees.

Last year, at the end of September, we had beautiful autumn colors –

2012 Autumn Colors
2012 Autumn Colors

And even driving along the St Croix River the colors were quite vibrant –

2012 Autumn Colors, St Croix River
2012 Autumn Colors, St Croix River

Even the “reds” were magnificent — last year —

2012 September Autumn Colors
2012 September Autumn Colors

And this was my absolute favorite autumn picture of 2012 — right in my own neighborhood.

2012 Autumn Colors
2012 Autumn Colors

If it sounds like I’m lamenting last year’s autumn colors — I’m not. I’m simply in “waiting mode” for this year’s trees to burst forth in a showy flash of color although I’m not sure it will be quite as spectacular since yesterday a lot of leaves just plopped to the ground un-majestically.

Autumn always reminds me of an old John Denver song whose lyrics are below —

“Reflections in the water, like shadows in my mind, speak to me of passing days and nights and passing times. The falling leaves are whispering, winter’s on its way. I close my eyes remembering the warmth of yesterday.

It seems a shame to see September swallowed by the wind. And more than that, it’s oh so sad to see the summer end. And though the changing colors are a lovely thing to see — if it were mine to make a change, I think I’d let it be — but I don’t remember hearing anybody asking me.”

Autumn does seem to bring out a sadness in me — moments of sadness. Nothing that lasts more than an hour or so periodically and thankfully not every day. I used to wonder why those unshakeable moments suddenly covered me with their sense of reflection. And indeed, it feels like a covering — something I want to shake off as if an object landed on my whole body and I can’t brush it off.

Sometimes on these days, I’m taken back to memories of when I used to walk to my grandmother’s house in Chicago. The air would be crisp, the leaves would be bursting with color as I walked to the house of one of my favorite people.

Perhaps that memory, and others held inside that don’t surface, are what bring on the moments of sadness when so much beauty surrounds me.

Although these moments can get pretty intense, I, unlike John Denver, would not trade my favorite season of the year — autumn.

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May you have a peaceful heart.


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