What’s Going On

With cooler weather, low humidity and lots of sunshine having arrived in September, I have been spending a lot of time outdoors — weed pulling.  (laughing)

Yes, the yard work never ends and the buckthorn weed continues to thrive. I have almost 1/2 of my property buckthorn-free — well, that is, until next year when the seeds in the ground start sprouting.

This week I found quite a few seedlings starting to grow — already. I’m ecstatic that I’ve made so much progress, even if it is on only half of the property.

Looking out at the remainder of the work I need to do, it will be a lot easier to pull the buckthorn when all the ferns die. The ferns are so tall and wide that it’s like walking through a jungle to try and find the buckthorn between and under them.

I have great news to share — I’ve signed my husband and I up for a landscape design class in late October. We’ll be taking pictures of our property to the class and will have a designer help us with landscaping ideas. I’m so excited! Of course, I’ll have to wait til spring to do my planting but that’s okay.

Next week the county will be meeting with me to give me a list of the Minnesota plants they feel would work well on our shaded wooded acre. I was approved for the $500 grant and am looking forward to planning which ones I’ll purchase.

My original goal was to work on the landscaping of the “back” yard over a period of 5 years starting next year but the buckthorn pulling work has made me realize that I could have started this a lot sooner — well, if my back holds out. Pulling gobs of weeds takes a toll on this aging over 50 body and working every day is not an option. This week I was able to work 3 days outside but I’ve done a lot of stretching to help with muscle soreness.

Because of the outdoor work I’ve been doing, I’ve had little time to post the new recipes I’ve tried so I have a backlog of them to share once I hunker down indoors. Soon. The colder weather will come soon enough.

Want to see the work I’ve done with the buckthorn pulling?

Here’s the “before” …

Before Buckthorn Pulling
Before Buckthorn Pulling

And … here’s the after …

After Buckthorn Pulling
After Buckthorn Pulling

It’s pretty much the same area but a little different view. I’m hoping to have paths through my yard so I can meander while deep in thought.  (laughing)

But, now it’s time to rest for Sabbath. Much needed rest for this sore body can’t come soon enough.

2 thoughts on “What’s Going On”

  1. Norma,

    I will try some of your recipes for sure!…also, I posted you about your laser therapy for you lingual nerve damage…it sounds like you may be located in the upper midwest?…can you refer the name & phone # of your chiropactor?…I’m really desperate for some relief!!!!

    1. Hi Carol. I did reply to the lingual nerve post and included the contact information for you. I found (and my chiropractor agreed) that a change in diet also helped with reducing inflammation that helps get rid of the pain. If I don’t eat well I find that the left side of my mouth starts acting up again. Not as bad as it was to start, but it is most irritating. Please let me know how things go for you.

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