
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

Flying over the state of Washington recently, I snapped a few pictures from my airplane window. Looking down, I had a totally different perspective of what “earth” looks like. I’m not one who likes to fly and when I do I normally don’t look out the window, but the day was perfect — clear and sunny.

The Cascade Mountains, Washington State
The Cascade Mountains, Washington State
The Cascade Mountains, Washington State
The Cascade Mountains, Washington State

Looking down at the land beneath me left me with a feeling of smallness. The vastness of the sky — seeing as far as my eye could see, well, I felt that the One who created this had power.  And looking at the farms, mountain peaks and roads in miniature size — yes, that’s when I felt my smallness as I imagined myself down “there” and looking like a pin prick.

Mount Rainier
Mount Rainier
Overhead Washington State
Overhead Washington State

It’s easy for me to forget about the power of the Creator as I bustle around with the daily tasks of life. Yet — I have always sensed His presence in my life. I can’t remember a day when He has not been on my mind. What is hard for me, sometimes, is remembering He’s in control. He’s not idly standing by as this world plummets into chaos.

One can’t listen to the news on the television, radio or internet without hearing about some calamity or something immoral happening. It’s beginning to sicken me and sometimes I can’t tolerate it and turn the TV off.

But, shutting out the “bad” news will not make it go away. So — I trust, I hold on to my Father, the Creator. He has seen me through all of my calamities, however small they might seem to others.

And I wait — I know one day all this will be over and I’ll be heading to a place where I won’t have to worry about the resurgence of the “bad and the ugly” that this world seems to have catapulted into.

“But in keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3:13

Amen to that!

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