
I get tired of waiting sometimes, don’t you? Waiting for people to change. Heck, waiting for me to change! Things seem to move slowly on this earth when it comes to the important things in life.

Want to lose wait? “They” say the best way is to do it slowly. It’s not that I disagree with them. I just would prefer that things (not necessarily weight loss) would move a tad quicker.

I know people who have had “language” problems for years. I’m still waiting for them to change.

It’s unrealistic … my brain knows it but my heart still hopes for something to happen and quick!

I don’t throw my fist in the air and yell at God “change it now,” but sometimes I shake my head and wonder what He’s thinking when He doesn’t do things as quickly as I think they should be done. And yet, the choice is ours not God’s. He doesn’t force us to change.

I’m reminded how often God waits for me to make the right choices and change some of my bad habits. Impatience is one of those habits although I don’t believe I have as big a problem as others I know (perhaps I’m too easy on myself here — or why would I be writing this post?).  I wonder if the reason I’m around people who change so slowly is to help me with my impatience.

A recent quote by Charles Spurgeon really hit home one day …

“We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously He once waited for us.”

Now — to apply that not just to God but to people around me. That’s the challenge.


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