Paleo Turkey Meatloaf with Asparagus

This recipe — Turkey Meatloaf — tasted good although the loaf didn’t hold together very well. Perhaps it should have sat and cooled longer than it did.? The texture was a little different than the beef meatloaves I’ve had in the past — more “soft” — so it was a nice change.

Kind’ve looks like a “regular” meatloaf but green, no?

Turkey Meatloaf
Turkey Meatloaf

Zucchini, bell peppers and basil are what give it the “green” look.

Not to be outdone by the meatloaf, the Browned Butter Roasted Asparagus that was served on the side was delicious! It’s amazing to me how I’ve grown to like asparagus. As a child, the only “green” food we ate was iceberg lettuce. To this day, my mother serves iceberg lettuce as a “salad.” Occasionally, we have a tomato thrown in but not usually. Oh — we do have sliced avocados also so that counts as a “green” vegetable.

I believe one has to acquire a taste for asparagus — it took me many years.

Oh — I almost forgot to show you a picture of the asparagus. Um, um, good!

Roasted Asparagus with Browned Butter
Roasted Asparagus with Browned Butter

I’ve read that asparagus is a good antioxidant. I’ll let you google for more info on that if you’re interested.

Turkey Meatloaf
Turkey Meatloaf

What kind of vegetables are your favorite?



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