Chicken Kiev

We have slowly started introducing butter into our paleo diet now. Well, when I say slowly, I guess I shouldn’t be posting about Chicken Kiev because it seems to have a LOT of butter — perhaps in seems that way because I haven’t had butter in while?

Chicken Kiev with Roasted Asparagus
Chicken Kiev with Roasted Asparagus

This recipe/chicken was delectable if not surprising. My son warned me to “cut” into the chicken carefully and I was thankful for that warning as the butter spewed out and almost splattered on my clothes. For the breading, since we’re paleo, we used almond flour.

The side dish of the ever humble Roasted Asparagus was not to be outdone though. The recipe is both easy and good.

I was never a fan of asparagus in the past and my first taste was as an adult at my mother-in-law’s house. Since then, I’ve learned to appreciate this delicate vegetable that, if made correctly, tastes very good.


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