It is so tempting on a lot of the paleo recipes we try to think of having white rice with them. It seems like the rice would go perfectly with this recipe also as the rice would soak up the juices. But, enough of that talk as rice on the paleo diet shouldn’t be eaten very often unless one needs extra carbs because they’re exercising.
On to the review of this recipe.

It was pretty good! A couple of ingredients — cinnamon and cardamon pods — give the beef an interesting taste. No, not a bad taste. Just interesting. I would never have though of putting cinnamon with beef, would you?
The Beef Rendang does require some interesting ingredients that you wouldn’t have in your cupboard. Well, most people I know wouldn’t have MOST of the ingredients in their cupboard.
But hey, it’s always good to try something new and add a little spice to your life. Yes?