I would never have thought to put pumpkin and chili in the same recipe — not in my wildest dreams.
This pumpkin chicken chili was actually good although it was quite thick and, although the recipe didn’t call for it, we included squash with the ingredients. I think next time I would water it down just a tad. Otherwise, good chili!

When I was asked what I wanted to have with the chili I automatically said cornbread although I knew that we were keeping corn out of our paleo diet for right now. My son did find a recipe for “corn” bread though that actually tasted very good and was quite moist! I was surprised how much I liked it.

It doesn’t look much like cornbread though, does it? That’s okay. The important thing is that it tasted good, right?

This meal is great on a cold winter night which is just what we’re having.