Minnesota Snowstorm

Snow fell overnight and we woke up to at least 8 inches of snow.

Here’s the driveway. Our snow plower didn’t arrive until later in the afternoon and he was a most welcome sight. At one point he rolled down his window and said “I’m running out of room to put it.”  Then he shoveled some my way.  (laughing)

Minnesota Snowstorm
Minnesota Snowstorm

And it continued to snow and snow and snow.  I’m not sure how much actually fell but it was a LOT. I shoveled the walkway to our front door (in case someone sends me spring flowers to cheer me up).

Minnesota Snowstorm
Minnesota Snowstorm

Then I put some salt down and the walkway was a big contract to the snow banks that border it.

Front Walkway and Snow banks
Front Walkway and Snow banks

The snow goes way over my head in some places. Of course, that does include snow from previous days. Here’s the side walkway that I shovel so I can get the mail easily.


Around the outside of the house we have large chunks of ice that hang dangerously. Fortunately, they are in places that we don’t walk near.

Overhanging Ice
Overhanging Ice

I am officially tired of snow and am looking forward to the “warm-up” in a couple of days.


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