Catching Up

It feels like a long time since I’ve blogged but in reality it’s only been 3 days since I’ve added a new post.

A recent weeklong trip to Seattle to check on a friend who started on hospice a couple of months ago, along with an “almost” weeklong cold has left me feeling quite fatigued and without much momentum.

Image courtesy of Microsoft Free Images
Image courtesy of Microsoft Free Images

The cold started slowly with just a little cough. Within a couple of days my sinuses were fully congested, I could hardly hear and my chest started feeling like someone was squeezing it.  Then the wheezing started and that’s when I became concerned.

I started using my asthma inhaler, albuterol, almost daily which is uncommon for me. Today I’m feeling a little better although my ears are still plugged.

Mornings are worst for me because of the coughing yet I’ve been able to sleep through the night.

What have I done to “cure” myself? Not much really. I use a humidifier at night right next to where I sleep, drink lots of water and eat “right” which is easy to do on a paleo diet and then I get lots and lots of rest.

Next week I should be ready to post again — I have a backlog of things to share.



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