The Paleolithic Diet – Day 7

I slept like a baby last night even though there was no heat in the house. The furnace repair folk left us 3 small heaters that I didn’t think would heat much of anything, but a small bedroom was really nice and toasty.

I didn’t feel very hungry for some reason so I had a lemon poppyseed muffin with a bowl of fruit salad.

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad

Sounds kind’ve boring, huh?

By around 10 a.m. I started to get a little hungry so I had 1.5 deviled eggs, unsalted sunflower seeds and a mandarin orange.

By 6 p.m. I was really a hungered! I was happy that we had quite a good selection for dinner. An interesting selection too … baked french fry parsnips, cauliflower “tabouli,” and chicken nuggets.

Paleolithic Dinner
Paleolithic Dinner

I have to say, the french fry parsnips and the “mac” nuggets were absolutely delicious! The cauliflower tabouli … well, it was okay but I wouldn’t have it on a regular basis.

Later in the evening I had some pistachio nuts and a mango juice mix. So far, so good on this diet.



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