Days of Thanks

Arriving in North Dakota for our Thanksgiving family gathering, we were greeted with a drop in temperature and a beautiful site to behold — a red cardinal who was perched lazily on a tree outside the window. How majestic he looks sitting so straight and tall.


We had absolutely no preparations to make for this dinner as the only request was that we drive and arrive safely. Upon entering, the warmth of the house, both in hearts and from heat registers, greeted us. It’s hard to believe that only two years ago we lived on the west coast away from family gatherings.

After all the hugs and hellos, we went to the kitchen where the cook was busy with last minute details.

The uncooked capon sat waiting for the proper time to make its entrance into the oven. Only four hours and this bird would be filling our bellies.

Prepared uncooked capon

As the North Dakota sun set in the west, our family sat down to a homemade dinner on a table set with china that has been passed down through generations. Traditions are mostly good and this one was no exception as the combination of delicate-looking china with wonderful looking food was a beautiful sight — enough to make our glands salivate.

The table was set and the candles were lovingly lit. As we gathered around the table many jovial remarks were made. Jocularity! Jocularity! So much jocularity!

Thanksgiving Table

The feast that lay before us was nothing short of a miracle as each dish was surprisingly good. Normally when a cook makes many dishes one or two tend to “fall short.” But that was not the experience of this day.

Thanksgiving Table

The capon was cooked to perfection.

Cooked Capon

Waldorf Salad, anyone?

Waldorf Salad

I had requested yams with no marshmallows and this dish was delectable. Sliced thinly and fried in butter the yams were both light in texture and taste.

Fried Yams

With stomach ready for food, I quickly stopped taking pictures for the evening.

Ahhh!!! I forgot to take pictures of the pumpkin and pecan pies that were served with homemade whipped cream. Oh well … you’ll have to use your imagination.

With bellies full and hearts afloat with thankfulness for the blessings in our lives, we drove to our hotel room with the North Dakota winds and snow blowing across our path.

We woke up to a rather chilly, no, let’s be honest, a rather COLD day and yet visual beauty still found its way to our hearts as the snow gathered on the tree branches who accepted it gracefully with no complaints.

North Dakota Snowfall

As Sabbath drew near, the majority of the family made their way back home from the movie theatre. We sat around the table again (it’s always nice to sit around the table) and feasted on the pasta casserole our nephew made, pie and more family fellowship.

Soon we’ll be heading back to the quietness of our home where the deer and the buffalo, er, squirrel play. There will be more days in the future to share in family blessings again. Until then, our hearts will store these memories away.




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