An Evening with the Dogs

My sister has two of the cutest dogs I’ve ever met. They are cuddly, friendly and lovable. If I were to get a dog … well, that’s a story for another day.

How can anyone resist this cuddly face? They are quite the snugglers.

Kikin – Cockapoo

This next one needs a haircut.

Pinto – Cockapoo

These next two dogs are a lot larger but they are quite friendly. Personality-wise Peanut and Pinto have similar personalities — loving attention. And Peanut is very very strong and obedient.

Peanut – Vizsla

And lastly is the calm and collected Blue Great Dane — Zeppelin. He likes to be petted and is so obedient — “Go to your bed” his mother tells him, and he goes straight to his bed.

Zeppelin – Blue Great Dane

Aren’t they beautiful? And look at this special pose perfect for picture taking.

Zeppelin & Peanut

Yes indeed — an evening with the dogs while watching the Chicago Bears get tromped on (oops! did I say that out loud?).

Dogs are fun to have around but for asthmatic folk one has to be careful not to spend too much time petting them even if they are “hairless.”


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