Trader Joe’s Night

Today was a lazy day for me. I took my husband to work, went to Dunn Brothers and had a hot chocolate and lemon yogurt muffin, ran some errands, came home and watered the plants then re-arranged our bedroom furniture.

Pretty boring, huh?

It’s no surprise that I had also pre-planned to have a lazy dinner. I went to Trader Joe’s earlier in the week, picked up some noodles, teriyaki sauce, tofu for frying and a container of already chopped vegetables. Pretty lazy. And as the day wore on I totally forgot that I had to prepare the tofu for dinner so when it was time to prep the food the tofu was not ready. Oh well …

The meal came out great! Well, if you ask me. My husband thought the rice noodles (a new kind for us) were too slimy. I just slurped them up. (laughing)

Here’s what I bought at Trader Joe’s:

Korean Rice Noodles
Island Soyaki Sauce

So simple and healthy. I probably could have added more veggies to the pot but for the lazy day that I had.

Stir Fry Dinner

And now I’m winding down and waiting for my Sabbath rest to begin.

Looking up at the clouds in the sky it seems they always have strange formations when we get warm weather (like today). There’s a beauty in them that captures my eyes every time.

[amazon_link id=”B007SSZPSO” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Trader Joe's Island Soyaki 20Oz (1LB 4Oz)[/amazon_link]

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