Small Town Living

Yes folks, it’s happening right here in our area as reported by our local paper, The Washington County Star Tribune, in the  “police blotter” section. Gotta love it!

  • Two men and one woman fishing on Lake Olson reportedly caught a big bass and put it in their livewell rather than release it.
  • Police were unable to locate two people on a personal watercraft reportedly driving recklessly in a no-wake zone on the St. Croix River south of the Hudson Bridge.
  • An officer helped the owner of a herd of buffalo put them back into a fenced area on 170th Street west of Parade Avenue.
  • Police checked on a report of a helicopter hovering near Big Carnelian Lake.
  • Two people were issued written warnings for drinking beer on the beach of Little Carnelian Lake at Stillwater Township Park.
  • A driver was cited for failing to move over a lane when he had room while driving by a traffic stop on Hwy. 36 near Demontreville Trail.

Click here for a glimpse of the Star Tribune.




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