Spring Bulbs

The hyacinths are peeking out of the ground already since the weather has been in the 60’s and 70’s the past couple of weeks. We are still waiting for the daffodils and the tulips to come up but the weather has turned a wee bit colder at night — in the lower 40’s.

These bulbs are supposed to be deer resistant so I am hoping that the deer don’t decide to make their abode in my front yard to eat my autumn-planted bulbs.

An unfortunate event has happened though — I spotted the first mosquito of the season. Grrrrrr …  And, according to an article in the New York Times the tick season has already started due to the warm winter we’ve had.

My favorite seasons in Minnesota are still autumn and winter as there are no bugs.

I guess I’d better prepare myself mentally for working alongside the bugs that will be making an appearance shortly.



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