The Start of Spring

March is supposed to be the snowiest month in Minnesota. So far, we’ve seen drizzle and sun.

Yesterday reminded me of Seattle. Cold, damp, drizzly, foggy and windy. A typical Seattle day. I even started to feel blah.

This morning I looked out the window and a cardinal was sitting on a branch. The beginning of spring has arrived albeit a little earlier than the date suggests it should.

The weather is supposed to be in the 40’s, 50’s then 60’s next week. I don’t know if I’m ready for spring yet. I’ve enjoyed the winter even though it was quite mild. Our snow plower didn’t make much money off of us this year.

Spring projects include: removing wallpaper from the main bathroom, painting the guest room and laundry room on the main floor, painting the his and her closets in the master bedroom and lastly, landscaping the yard.

I still haven’t figured out what to do with our backyard. Once the trees are in full bloom, the only sunlight we get is when the sun is directly above our house and there are too many trees hovering over our property to allow the sun to beam down in a way to provide much light to plants. Quite a challenge — a shade and deer tolerant yard.

I wonder if there’s a landscaping show similar to HDTV for houses that will come and do it for me. Hmmm … I’ll have to check that out. Unless someone already knows???


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